Addicted to Fun and Learning
Storm audio is very expensive and i read that the dirac live active treatment currently is only for this systems exclusive available . now near 2 years are gone. still not here for PC or other.
I have write to dirac support when active room treatment come to other devices. I get no answer. maybe somebody know more or @amirm get a answer when he ask how long storm audio have exclusive rights on this.
maybe it is even more better as arc 4
I have write to dirac support when active room treatment come to other devices. I get no answer. maybe somebody know more or @amirm get a answer when he ask how long storm audio have exclusive rights on this.
maybe it is even more better as arc 4
Active Room Treatment
- Industry-leading MIMO mixed-phase impulse response correction
- Calibrate your speakers as a unified system
- Actively cancel out lingering bass and reduce room decay time
- Creates a larger, more uniform “sweet spot”
- Reduces the need for in-room acoustical treatment