My email to him was published as a "letter to the editor" or whatever he called it. That was not the nature of what I wrote him. I thought I was contacting him to offer myself as a guest on his show. The main reason and trigger for that was him constantly calling Cameron an expert in audio (measurement and their audible ramifications). He clearly is not so I was telling him that if he wanted experts, I was available to play that role, and my qualifications therein. I was not commenting on the specifics of his podcast so calling it a letter response is not proper.
FYI, I wrote a reply to Darko at the time. I was not going to post it but since he has post the first two exchanges, here it is:
Hello John. Thank you for the response. Didn’t know if these emails get to you or not.
I find your response indicative of complete misunderstanding. I said nothing about Cameron not knowing how to measure. I said and quote:
“Karman has no formal experience in signal processing, psychoacoustics, research into audibility of measurements, engineering design, etc.”
I said audibility of measurements. Not measurements themselves. Audibility requires extensive knowledge of psychoacoustics. I know of no professional and personal experience he brings to this field and his explanations on your show spoke to same.
Also, I had no intention of saying in relation to him should I have come on your show. He is not of interest to me. Making sure people understand what science and engineering of audio says, is. You had some excellent questions and I thought they deserve a more complete and proper answer as I live and breath this technology and have done so for decades.
You don’t know me so let me be very clear: I am at all times without emotions when I talk about audio. I am driven by facts and can ill afford letting emotions get in the way. You spoke of Danny. Just compare his videos about me and my answers in reverse. His is full of personal remarks. Mine is full of data, measurements, references, listening tests, etc. I have given two recommendations for his products out of four I have tested. If I was driven by any animosity, this would have never happened.
Finally, I have no intention of publishing your email to anyone. I don’t know why you think there is any value in me doing that. I offered to be on your show to talk about what I know. You seem to think that is about a personal fight so dare eclining [declining]. I am OK with that.
What I will do then is create various videos on some of the things you discussed and provide proper coverage of them. So I appreciate giving me those ideas.
Take care,