i dont have any experience with the hana, but its supposed to be close to neutral i believe. i have had the 33sa and it was pretty close to neutral. this was before the script for me, so when id compare needle drops of it and some made with my shure v15vmr, they came out very, very close. i listened to recordings of the art series carts and ruled them out because they were noticeably brighter than recordings of a 33ptg2. i sold the sa and kept the ptg2 because of the micro ridge. the shibata on the 33sa lost more high end by the time it got to the end of a side.Please humor this not at all veiled attempt at asking purchasing advice, but I would rather inquire here and then provide useful data.
Carts in consideration:
Hana SL mk1 or mk2
Open to other ideas in this price range that measurements are needed for from designs/companies that have a good track record. Two notes are I am looking to achieve near flat FR, and this will be going through a CA duo and then most likely a Darlington Labs MP7b. Of course, I'll get CBR measurements from both if it is worth it. I don't have any actual testing equipment.