@617 -
@617 - I completely agree with you. The limitations of DIY are the availability of good affordable waveguides or concentric drivers and the R&D to get the dispersion characteristics right, followed by the lack of actual anechoic/NFS measurements. I recently bought a LS50meta and feel that traditional DIY could not achieve that level of performance (dispersion and response) short of the DXT-mon or the Directivas. It's why I'm so interested in this project. I feel that directiva2 is likely end game material.
Directiva2's dispersion pattern looks incredible!
Really appreciate the hard work you guys are putting in. For some of us, this project is the closest an average joe with ever get to hearing true state of the art!
I thought it might be helpful to describe what is special about these directiva projects, what they offer, what they do not offer.
Traditional DIY designs tend to target all-around performance, with the same compromises that commercial speakers have. In other words, you set a budget, you set a size, and you make the best speaker you can within those specifications.
The directiva projects offer something a little different - they seek to achieve performance characteristics which are rarely available in DIY or commercial designs. They give you a taste of state of the art performance, but this comes with certain costs.
In the first speaker, the cost was complexity and expensive, esoteric drivers. What you got in return was probably the best performing small speaker on the planet, with limited bass performance.
This second speaker I offers better value, but it is still a complex design. What you get in return is a very special radiation pattern which is similar to a large waveguide speaker like a Gedlee Abbey or something. The bass and overall output is dependent on how much you are willing to spend, and although I hope the team develops a few bass modules, in reality any DIYer can make an active bass speaker.
In both cases, you get a design validated by careful measurements and a degree of customization - want 3db less treble? You can dial it in according to your room and your taste.
There are outstanding speakers on the market these days, and I believe the value proposition for DIY has weakened. Why DIY when Elac, KEF, Harman and Arendal make such good passive speakers? Why DIY when you can get a whole active system from Kali, Neuman or Genelec? Except in the case of very large speakers, DIY doesn't offer a ton of value, unless it does something special. That's where these speakers excel.
@617 - I completely agree with you. The limitations of DIY are the availability of good affordable waveguides or concentric drivers and the R&D to get the dispersion characteristics right, followed by the lack of actual anechoic/NFS measurements. I recently bought a LS50meta and feel that traditional DIY could not achieve that level of performance (dispersion and response) short of the DXT-mon or the Directivas. It's why I'm so interested in this project. I feel that directiva2 is likely end game material.
Directiva2's dispersion pattern looks incredible!
Really appreciate the hard work you guys are putting in. For some of us, this project is the closest an average joe with ever get to hearing true state of the art!