I have a friend that is a ranting technophile that knows little to nothing about audio electronics, audio files and what sounds good and why and he constantly rants and raves about flac files and MP3 being inferior as he listens to 50 year old crappy recordings and claims flac is so much better and look at his topping DAC sampling rate display and how it is so great. He is so unapproachable about facts and figures and rants about facts and figures that he imagines are superior. I have relegated myself to doing the, "Uhu Uhu" thing in effort and hope that the subject will simply pass by. I am near my wits end on the stuff and am becoming very annoyed at his arrogance, rudeness and persistence while using ridiculous analogies to describe electronics and software stuff. I am a polite guy that does not like confrontation and every time I attempt to state facts and figures he gets aggressive and overbearing. How is this experience for you peeps and how do you handle this sort of interpersonal rubbish? I mean we do it everyday here @ ASR but when it is in person it's a whole different dynamic and more annoying. I actually left his pad today with the excuse that I need dinner because I needed to get away. >@^_^@<
There is a very simple solution to this, just like ending a marriage with one word.
You go up to him, put your arm around his shoulder, look him deep in the eyes and say "You know what I really appreciate about you, really? Nothing, absolutely nothing."
That might solve the problem, at least for a while, but I suspect that as a Canadian you are far too nice and friendly for this.
But honestly, I let people like that do their thing. Their ignorance is their own loss, not yours.
Let him go and run into the wall. If he eventually gets it and comes on his own, you can give it a try. Before that, you wear yourself out and waste your time and energy for nothing. I know that something like this is difficult, especially when you like someone and/or are friends with them.
And to be clear, you are the one who has to change, because you are suffering from the situation.
Be calm, simply ignore him on certain topics and clearly express your disinterest in them, and from time to time make friendly but firm comments that his misinformation and ignorance are only his loss and not yours. He must clearly notice that the whole thing is tiring for you and his attitude to it is uninteresting to you.
Alternatively, you can put him in a boot camp, is there already a HiFi boot camp? They would have a lot to do.
And what is the "Uhu Uhu" thing? Do I want to know?