I'm glad these videos exist and people are learning from them, but the finding that hi rez offerings typically have either a ton of ultrasonic hash (DSD) or only low level uncorrelated garbage beyond 24 kHz is not news. Even hi rez cheerleader
Stereophile was publishing analyses on this back in the 2000's. I've been looking at purchased hi rez stuff with Audition for over a decade and rarely is there much correlated content (which would be ultrasonic harmonics anyway) in the wasteland beyond the audible range. Likely because so much 'hi rez' product is sourced from ....old analog tapes.
Back in the reign of CD (circa 1992) there was a guy name James Boyk, a music teacher /pianist then at Caltech who was pushing hard the idea that we
need to capture (and play back) ultrasonic harmonics that instruments generate (in an infamous articke 'There's Life Above 20 KiloHerz') , and , gee whiz
here's PS Audio huckster Paul McGowan citing that article just a few years ago. Boyk himself cited the
crackpottery of Tsutomu Oohashi (uncorroborated except by himself -- regardless, his papers were very popular in audiophile circles back then ) of course to back up his claim.
Though his doctoral degree was in Agriculture, Oohashi also published on such topics as 'possession trances' and the uses of artificial life, as well as composing (most famously, the music for
Talk about a circle of confusion!