That looks quite nice! I can't find this on my local Ikea website? Is it an older model?Let's talk IKEA design!
One of my personal favourites is their Älvsbyn lamp.
O no! That would be a shame!That looks quite nice! I can't find this on my local Ikea website? Is it an older model?
Of course! What a cool project. Looks super nice!I guess we can nominate DIY derivatives? If so, I'd like to nominate these:
SB Acoustics Bromo
I finally finished my last (yes, last, not latest) DIY build. A pair of SB Acoustics Bromo. It took me way too long to get it done. I just don't have the time nor motivation anymore to build my own gear. Economically it makes much less sense for me also. But, I'm really happy with the result.
I got the floor standing. It's good quality and heavy. Bit on the expensive side for ikea..I quite like the Ikea Evedal lamps. Available as both a table lamp, a floorlight and a hanging ceiling light. Should work quite nicely with my coloured Philips Hue lights.
By u/Noujiin on Reddit
Another vote for Kallax here. I wish they'd make a 3-tiered insert for it so that one could stack headphone amp, DAC, streamer on individual shelves.
Should be a straight forward 'ikea hack'..although 3x ply would probably cost more that the kallax!Another vote for Kallax here. I wish they'd make a 3-tiered insert for it so that one could stack headphone amp, DAC, streamer on individual shelves.
Should be a straight forward 'ikea hack'..although 3x ply would probably cost more that the kallax!
Nice! No dust magnetism with these?Ikea Fragg CD storage