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If Santa could bring you any one audio device, what would it be?

Stormaudio ISP Core 16
Great start. I like it! Good price per pound ratio. And not a household name. In addition to its great function as an audio component, at 47 pounds it can double as an inhouse squat machine!
A left ear that isn't half-deaf.
Probably an Ampex ATR100, AG440B or Studer A80. The sad part is that my old XP laptop with sound card would perform better...

do not believe him , i rather have my cats back than some rubbish pack of immaterial audio electronics

An ugly Yaqin MC-13S.
I like ugly things with ugly tubes. ;)
A Teenage Engineering OP-XY synth, and perhaps the OP-1 Field as well, along with TX-6, TX-7 and CM-15 to complete the bundle

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Audio Precision analyser and the knowledge to use it, or a klippel NFS and the knowledge to a, assemble it and b, to use it!
( see the Audio First Fidelia thread)
A pair of Neumann KH 420 G Monitors.
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