Always curious of others recommendations and it seems they will be all over the place dependent on which site you ask. I own a few pairs of larger speakers and have a few higher powered solid state amps as well, which I'm sure most here would trash. But anyway. I have a pair of Speakerlab SK's, similar to Klipschorns, that I have rebuilt using better than the stock Speakerlab woofers & tweeters they came with and plus built better crossovers. In the cooler months in the south, I run a Dynakit ST-70 tube amp which sounds great on them as that's pretty much all that's needed for speakers rated at 105db @ 1-watt/1-meter. So I've thought about something in a smaller SS amp that's not a room heater since my audio room is upstairs and it heats up on its own.
Any recommendations of newer amps in the 10 to 50 wpc range or so that don't break the bank? New or used....Class D, etc., don't care. Nothing stupid priced. Just looking for different ideas that I might not have thought of even after having been in audio stuff for over 40 years. Thanks!
Any recommendations of newer amps in the 10 to 50 wpc range or so that don't break the bank? New or used....Class D, etc., don't care. Nothing stupid priced. Just looking for different ideas that I might not have thought of even after having been in audio stuff for over 40 years. Thanks!