Meaning in a location with several cords and cables and possibly running close to a noisy power supply.Could you elaborate on the reasoning behind this?
Meaning in a location with several cords and cables and possibly running close to a noisy power supply.Could you elaborate on the reasoning behind this?
Ive been reading what I can on this site, and looking around the web for kits and pre made boards. Very interested in testing and implementing switching power supplies.Sorry, no links, but a suggestion. Compare an ATI Ncore amp (linear PSU) to another Ncore (SMPS). I've seen measurements that show how much 60Hz & harmonics the ATIs leak, but I can't recall where right now.
Meaning in a location with several cords and cables and possibly running close to a noisy power supply.
I believe on Audioquests web site they state the 72 volt system is part of an elaborate shield. So I was curious to how effective it was.But what does that have to do with the voltage?
Wow looks niceRecently replaced all amplifiers with new nCore units. Only drawback is I miss the satisfaction of listening to something I designed myself. But I can live very well with that, because:
- Compared to the class-A, distortion at low level is similar or lower, harmonic distribution less perfect, but since level is far below threshold of hearing, that does not matter. At higher power levels the new ones simply destroy the exotic.
- Lower noise, need to put my head inside the horn to hear anything at all in a quiet room.
- Can drive any load with ease, just like the class-A. But..
- 4 times smaller size, 10x power, 90% reduction in power consumption and heat. How can you not love that.
They are sonically transparent. In fact, if I was to build those for sale, I would sell them with sound quality guarantee - if you can hear a difference between input and output, return it and get a full refund.
I could design an AB circuit with similar performance, it would be 6x the size, use 4x to 8x power, output transistors alone would cost more than the complete nCore module with power supply.
Built 2 types - the Buurion and the slightly larger Guurion. I like the design. Real wood, you can see the cooling and amplifier boards, takes up very little space due to the narrow width.
Problem solved. Case closed.
View attachment 58697
I believe on Audioquests web site they state the 72 volt system is part of an elaborate shield.
I usually believe half of what I read until proven otherwise, the main reason I like audioquest is the cold weld process, they don’t use solder.Lesson One: Anything "technical" on a huckster's website should default to "disregard."
...the main reason I like audioquest is the cold weld process, they don’t use solder.
I usually believe half of what I read until proven otherwise
the main reason I like audioquest is the cold weld process, they don’t use solder.
There are many audio sites where a poster can get away with nonsense in terms of the "truth content" of his claims. This just isn't one of them.
@Audio89, permit me to offer you some unsolicited but sincere advice. Your recent exchanges with @SIY bring to light a very common phenomenon on ASR: people on this site are VERY science-minded, as others have said. It is seldom remarked, however, that this orientation also translates to a very thorough reading of what others post. In this regard, I have always found it interesting that posters frequently have more "likes" than they have posts (as is the case with @SIY for example). That tells me that people are reading one another's posts with great interest and care. I have found the members of this site to be exceptionally kind and patient, and incredibly helpful, but my advice is never test them with unsubstantiated and conclusory statements and even more so, never try to B.S. them. While my experience over a couple of years is that people on this site are exceptionally self-effacing and reluctant to talk about their accomplishments, over time you'll realize that they include some of the leading people in audio design and manufacture, period. Definitely not the right crowd to try to any hijinks with. There are many audio sites where a poster can get away with nonsense in terms of the "truth content" of his claims. This just isn't one of them.
P.S. For the record, I have no audio accomplishments. I'm referring only to the many others on this site that do. My wife indeed might say I have no accomplishments at all.![]()
It’s a direct connection from copper to copper, or copper to silver.But how do you decide which half?
I decide after either more research or testing myself.
Ans that is good because...?
It’s a direct connection from copper to copper, or copper to silver.
It’s a direct connection from copper to copper, or copper to silver.
I’ve already apologized and promised to keep an open mind
I agree totally what you are driving at and came to the same conclusion when I started understanding electronics, or for the most part lol. I know Audioquest is a gimmicky company and that’s why I would never pay full price, I just appreciate the direct connection process they use for the cablesAnd, if I may add, the reason for the disdain and cynicism of many audio companies (such as Audioquest) is that after seeing dozens if not hundreds of independent reviews with measurements here, there is astoundingly little correlation between price and sound quality. After this dawns on you, you realize that most of the audio industry has been built on a lie - a marketing con job. Many products marketed as "high-end" with price tags to match are no better performing than less expensive products - sometimes worse. It's a real Matrix-style mind fuck.
The good news in all this is it means there are high performing (proven), well engineered products out there for reasonable prices. If you can get past the brand cache and name brand preconceptions, you can feel good knowing you have a quality product for a good value price.
So, you have to decide, will it be the red pill or the blue pill?
Well for one I’m not an electrical engineer and I’m unsure why you are trying to put me on the spot like I ran over your mailbox but I’m not going to back down. From what I’ve noticed through my own testing “and it just could be me hearing things” I noticed a better bass response on a speaker cable I was experimenting with when connected without solder. My wife was also listening and she noticed as well. BTW we can go round and round with your question why they use solder in high frequency circuits and there’s no problem. Why do different interconnect cables sound different? Why do different speaker cables sound different?And it makes what electrical difference electrically? How is it possible that all our computers, with a gazillion more connections at many, many orders of magnitude higher frequencies and speeds, work just fine despite being soldered? How come all the hundreds or thousands of connections inside your amp are soldered, but it is the two ones on the cable that matter?