• WANTED: Happy members who like to discuss audio and other topics related to our interest. Desire to learn and share knowledge of science required. There are many reviews of audio hardware and expert members to help answer your questions. Click here to have your audio equipment measured for free!

How to Support Audio Science Review

This is going to sound soppy
No, not at all mate.
but I felt so alone before you started ASR, vilified on every ( subjective) forum simply because I stated facts and told the truth
Massive +1 (although I'd say in the minority rather than alone, but the sentiment stands), finally we have a home and one to be proud of, run by the legendary @amirm, great mods and friendly members. :cool:

You should assume any and all things can happen to money you donate including lavish vacations, expensive cars, exquisite sushi, etc.
I am perfectly fine with that. Anyone who puts out these kind of audio reviews deserves a piece of my pie, no questions asked. I wish that others, supposedly "non-profit" organisations, were honest enough to admit that they use up to 80% of donations for their own "operational expenses" (read fat salaries, fancy offices and travels for the management).:rolleyes:
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New-ish donor (long time reader) here.

Can't say I'm saving money being here. Reading reviews and discussions leads to getting more gear, but it's quality gear now which sounds good and performs the way it should. Maybe it's a net save moving forward, still TBD.

Very happy for it, and TY @amirm (and other contributors here) for doing what you're doing and going against the woo-woo current that populates HiFi in general. No magic, just facts, some opinions and data interpretation, and then educated decisions based on said facts and personal preference. Love it, and hope to see it for a long time.
i have some audio gear for sale,down sizng my stuff.how post on sale or how donate to get access to sell my headphones?
how donate to get access to sell my headphones?
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