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How NOT to set up speakers and room treatment ( Goldensound)

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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2023
if the mods think this isn’t appropriate please remove.

it just irks me that this guy is 24 years old , this is his FIRST room with speakers and he made a video on it.
and it’s a bunch of BS.

his room has an RT60 of 250ms. its a room NOT headphones.
he shows an impulse response and says he needs to get rid of ALL reflections.
He needs to desperately read Floyd Toole who has spent decades on research. Not 2 years.

then he goes on to stick all panels right up against each other.
when does it end??
I am on the internet , therefore I am.

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Ugh. I need to take a step back before I say so much that is wrong with this vid

lesson number one. Take a step back when you are annoyed, then speak
And stop to realize that YouTube has much worse.
I’d like to know.
what are this persons credentials??
i can buy expensive speakers ? is that a credential?
does he have any audio experience? Or all those 20 somethings on Headphones . Com? Oh wait I forgot they sell headphones as well.

been to concert halls ? Had years and years of experience?

zero, zilch. No credentials whatsoever.

but here I’m gonna tell you how to treat your room.
He sounds exactly like the Goldenear guy. Voice, accent, rise and fall, intonation.

Same dude for sure
Since he'll never get rid of all reflections, this promises to be an ongoing series.
Personally I thought it was a decent video, his room treatment pretty much mirrors my setup which sounds very good.

Instead of bitching perhaps highlight what’s wrong and show us your perfect rooms?
Personally I thought it was a decent video, his room treatment pretty much mirrors my setup which sounds very good.

Instead of bitching perhaps highlight what’s wrong and show us your perfect rooms?
Now that I actually listened, it sounded fairly straightforward. Not sure why the OP is wrapped around the axle.
He does make a good point about who you ask about the RT60. Just because some expert likes a reflective room doesn't mean I will like it.
Personally I thought it was a decent video, his room treatment pretty much mirrors my setup which sounds very good.

Instead of bitching perhaps highlight what’s wrong and show us your perfect rooms?

I personally follow Dr Floyd Toole and Sean Olive who have decades of research and experience.

not someone who Willy nilly made his first room and is peddling nonesense.
I personally follow Dr Floyd Toole and Sean Olive who have decades of research and experience.

not someone who Willy nilly made his first room and is peddling nonesense.

Sounds like a religious experience. Do you keep an altar?
I dont see a problem with his room at all. I have probably a bit more square footage of foam in my room although it is foam and not the material hes using and it helped get rid of a lot of the echo. His room looks pretty empty, no furniture or sofa to absorb anything. OP sounds very jealous.
I followed more or less the same steps he did and I think his approach is spot on. Even the tip about the moveable bass trap was really good.

Not sure why the OP has hurt feelings about a 24 y.o. guy setting up a very nice dedicated room following the best practices. Jealous maybe?
Can you point what "nonsense" is he peddling?
I will chime in. :)

1. Bass traps don't fix bass modes. As Dr. Toole says in one of his private presentations, "the only thing bass traps do is trap your money!" Wavelengths are way too large for any traditional velocity absorbers to do much good. Often people put a ton of them in there to get results and with it, make their room too dead. In general, few if any people are in a position to use velocity absorbers to make effective changes in their room. Pressure absorbers work better but they are expensive and require skill to design and use (they are very frequency selective).

2. He is optimizing for his eyes, not ears. Two ears and a brain don't work like a single microphone and a graph as Dr. Toole would again say. The notion that reflections are "bad" is folklore as comprehensive peer reviewed has repeatedly shown. Yet, it has become one of the "internet rules" to chase them using measurements. Doing so will lead to a completely dead room when you are done. Ask any high-end acoustician what the #1 problem with DIY acoustic is and they tell you people creating dead rooms because of this mistake.

2A. Use speakers with proper directivity and you will not need to fear reflections. Indeed, this is your #1 tool for good sound in a room.

3. Rooms are never ideal. The calculators for room modes and such for the most part generate incorrect results because your walls are not perfect reflectors. Ditto then for golden ratios, and this and that dimensions not being good. Read Dr. Toole's book for example measurements showing this. For this reason, you can actually fill nulls a bit because cancellation unlike what he claims are way away from ideal (or they would not be down just a few dB).

4. Reflectors need to be broadband. Those skyline diffusers are not. And neither are a lot of what you folks slap on walls. Minimum depth should be 4 inches.

5. DSP is extremely powerful. Get the right speakers, put them more or less where you like, and set your seating position the same. Then measure and apply DSP to pull down peaks. This is the formula which will give you 90% of the results with minimum expense and uglification factor (slapping panels everywhere in the room).

Sadly the folklore has gotten so bad that if you don't have a room full of acoustic panels, folks think something wrong with your room. What is really wrong is that people haven't spend $35 on Dr. Toole's book and a few days of reading and learning about real sound acoustics. Please, please do not follow the Internet consensus on this. They are just wrong.
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