Hi folks,
I'm looking for some opinions on what (if any) changes would be recommended to improve my HT setup ideally going for a setup that'll see me through to the end of my days
Current setup:
Overall I'm not unhappy with my setup at all, the Klipsch are lively speakers and IMO great for movies/gaming, treble can be slightly fatiguing at times when volume is high, music is generally quite good but varies based on genre IMO but I do like the Klipsch sound but it's also not the only sound that's pleasant to my ears hence the diverse range of setups listed below
I'm considering the following options currently but keen to get other viewpoints and suggestions too;
The room I used as HT is the living room which is carpeted and about 5m x 4.5m rectangle with no room treatment currently but is something I'll look into in the future. My sofa is in the middle of the room about 8' from the TV/Speakers
One concern I have about changing from Klipsch to one of the other brands is amp headroom as Klipsch are so easy to drive and given that I'm looking at retaining the 7.2.4 setup using the Denon X3700H coupled with the Audiolab 6000A for front channel amp duties I'm unsure if I'll run out of juice buying something like the Arendals or Dali's
I'm looking for some opinions on what (if any) changes would be recommended to improve my HT setup ideally going for a setup that'll see me through to the end of my days
Current setup:
- Front L/R: Klipsch RP-6000F
- Center: Klipsch RP-600C
- Surrounds: Klipsch RP-500M
- Rear: Klipsch RP-180M
- Front Height: Klipsch RP-500SA II
- Rear Height: Klipsch RP-500SA
- Subwoofer: SVS PB-1000 Pro x2
- AVR: Denon X3700H
- Amp: Audiolab 6000A (used for 2 channel music + power amp for front L/R)
- DSP: MiniDSP Flex HT (used for 2 channel music with Audiolab amp)
Overall I'm not unhappy with my setup at all, the Klipsch are lively speakers and IMO great for movies/gaming, treble can be slightly fatiguing at times when volume is high, music is generally quite good but varies based on genre IMO but I do like the Klipsch sound but it's also not the only sound that's pleasant to my ears hence the diverse range of setups listed below
I'm considering the following options currently but keen to get other viewpoints and suggestions too;
- Option 1: Selling my RP-6000F & RP-600C and replacing with Klipsch RF-7 III & RC-64 III (net cost about £5,400
- Option 2: Selling all speakers and replacing with (net cost about £3,600) ;
- Front L/R: JBL HDI 3800
- Center: JBL HDI 4500
- Surrounds: JBL HDI 1600
- Rear: JBL HDI 1600
- Front Height: JBL Stage 240H
- Rear Height: JBL Stage 240H
- Option 3: Selling all speakers and replacing with (net cost about £4,500) ;
- Front L/R: Dali Opticon 8 MK2
- Center: Dali Opticon Vocal MK2
- Surrounds: Dali Opticon 2 MK2
- Rear: Dali Opticon 2 MK2
- Front Height: Dali Alteco C1
- Rear Height: Dali Alteco C1
- Option 4 (Baller option!): Selling all speakers and replacing with (net cost about £7,750) ;
- Front L/R: Arendal 1723 S THX Towers
- Center: Arendal 1723 S Centre
- Surrounds: Arendal 1723 S Bookshelf
- Rear: Arendal 1723 S Bookshelf
- Front Height: Arendal 1723 S Height
- Rear Height: Arendal 1723 S Height
The room I used as HT is the living room which is carpeted and about 5m x 4.5m rectangle with no room treatment currently but is something I'll look into in the future. My sofa is in the middle of the room about 8' from the TV/Speakers
One concern I have about changing from Klipsch to one of the other brands is amp headroom as Klipsch are so easy to drive and given that I'm looking at retaining the 7.2.4 setup using the Denon X3700H coupled with the Audiolab 6000A for front channel amp duties I'm unsure if I'll run out of juice buying something like the Arendals or Dali's