The Devil's advocate has emailed the following questions:
Why do we need high-resolution speaker measurements if smoothed frequency response correlates better with human thresholds of audibility?
Why measure speaker harmonic (and intermodulation) distortion if most speakers only distort in the low- and sub-bass and it seems we have very low sensitivity to distortion in that range?
Why all the fuss about Klippel's ability to capture "anechoic" response down to the bottom of the audio range if rooms mess up the bass anyway, and Toole says that we can hear through the room anyway?
Why plot CSDs if "frequency response trumps everything"?
Same with electronics, why plot the measurements' level down to -160dBFS when our hearing ability is limited to some 90dB DR (frequency dependent) and most rooms have the noise-floor above 30-40dB (and all adequately-designed electronics sound the same anyway)?