The solution for you could be just to ignore reviews from Amir and start your own review site or find a headphone review site from someone who's subjective opinions echo yours.
When you are interested in technical discussions without the 'magic' then ASR might be of interest.
Amir is not going to review nor report things differently just because some folks (you are not the only one) complain about how Amir reviews audio(related) gear and/or don't like the conclusions.
There are quite a few reviews Amir did where I have a different opinion on how these sound but that's life. I just mention I liked how those sounded and sometimes explain why I drew a different conclusion. In most cases, however, I can agree with Amir's findings.
That's life; we are all humans with different preferences and budgets.
Nor are all copies of a headphone created equal nor test fixtures nor are targets all the same.
and E3, HD800S, Utopia, Ether CX, HE6, HE6SE, LCDX(C), U12t, Stellia, Rognir, SR009S but indeed not: AB1266, SR1a, LCD24, Diana, HD820, tia Trio, Liric, Heddphone, Susvara.
When you read the reviews you can read why he recommends, recommends conditionally or does not recommend a headphone. His opinion, his review, his findings. ASR is not a democracy but just like in the real world you do get to vote (the poll) but really can't change anything