I hear you.
But please take the following into consideration :
- You can subjectively like a headphone that has bad objective measurements ;
- You can subjectively not like a headphone with good objective measurements ;
- You can subjectively like a headphone with good objective measurements ;
- You can subjectively not like a headphone with bad objective measurements.
And that is totally OK. No one will tell you the opposite.
And no one forces you to consider that a headphone with the best objective measurements is the best.
As everyone will ask not to say that a headphone with bad measurements produces the best transparent sound.
It simply does not, even if you like it.
I think SolderDude wrote something like "Trust your ears to listen, do not trust them as a measurement tool".
I am always somewhat amused when I read reviews stating "You will hear the music exactly as the artist/sound engineer wants you to hear it".
How the f**k do they know what the artist wants us to hear ? Were they sitting in the studio or assisted at the mixing to tell ?
Unfortunately (or fortunately) only measures can tell that :-(
So yes, the Susvara may sound good to your ears.
But others may say they do not like it.
And don't get me wrong.
I am probably in the same camp as you
I happen to own the Sony MDR-Z1R headphone and that is one of my favourites.
A lot of people in here do not like it and say it can not sound good given it's measures.
Well maybe, it can not sound good...
But me I listen to it and I like it...
So yes, I like things taht do not sound good...
And so what ?