I have both the HD560S and HE400SE.
I find it difficult to comment on this as someone else's may have a different experience from me because of a different anatomy.
But I would avoid merely looking at the width and height of the opening as a way to determine how you will experience a pair of headphones.
As already mentioned depth is important as well, but it's probably in fact the entire design that matters. On the 500 series for example, you have a bump at the rear of the cavity to lodge the rather thick yoke of that series, right where some people's ear lobes are going to bump into. Apparently that isn't a problem for you, but it's a moderate one for me.
If I may, even though they have by far the smaller earcup size, I
personally find the Bose QC's series roomier for my ear lobes than either the Sennheiser 5... series or the HE400SE (because they've been really intelligently designed).
So if possible I'd encourage you to form an opinion yourself after trying them