i find the clamping almost non-existant.I just got a pair of the Edition XS the other day. For those who have them or have tried them, did you get used to the clamp and headband over time?
Coming from the HD 6XX, I can definitely feel the clamp on the sides of my head and I guess because my head is a bit too pointed, the headband is mainly sitting right on the peak of my skull and is immediately noticeable. I'm guessing I'll adapt to it over time, it's just very obvious right now. I've looked for those headband covers that people have mentioned buying for these, and at least on Amazon in Canada, it seems like it's just a few options from Geekria.
I haven't listened to them for long enough to know if I'll enjoy them, but it does seem like voices might be a bit quiet or distant sounding at times. Coming from the HD 6XX, the XS seems more detailed and there's definitely a larger/wider soundstage. I've only listened to a couple of songs so far, and I felt kind of hypnotized at times by the sound these make. I partly bought them because I wanted to try to find some good-sounding headphones with better imaging for games (I mainly play singleplayer games, so not so much for listening for footsteps and things like that in multiplayer), but I haven't had a chance to try them for that purpose yet. I listened to a couple of binaural recordings, and I don't know how much forward depth there is, but sounds that were placed to the sides or behind the head sounded pretty accurate to the point where I was kind of blown away, at least compared to the HD 6XX I've been using. Part of it might just be that I'm enjoying a new toy, I don't know.
Does EQ fix the vocals at all, or would I need different headphones to remedy that? If that's not fixable with these, does anyone know if there are any headphones that basically sound like this but with more present vocals?
would like a little bit more but afraid to try bending it.