No, I had them and didn't keep them.
It's just that your kind of passive aggressive take with useless "no offense" added was kind of funny.
I mean are you truly, honestly, confused why some people like things you don't? If you are, then I can't help. If not, then your message was basically "there is something wrong with you if you like this headphone", right?
are you trying to find a fight where there is none?
zero passive aggressiveness.
rememeber text takes inflection out and isn’t the best source of communication.
so as such we shouldn’t make assumptions on what someone is conveying, unless it’s blatantly obvious from specific words.
I honestly didn’t want to offend anyone because sometimes people attach their personalities to the choices they make.
for example someone may buy a certain car, ( which was their choice of course) and if someone says they don’t like that car, it might make that person get defensive because they think their choices are questioned as poor choices.
where that might not be the case at all.
no I’m confused when something is so highly regarded from most people. And I don’t like it at all.
that could well be that I am the odd one out.
but you decided to get annoyed and be aggressive aggressive.
don’t know what to say.
I tried