When I was little, the way you listened to music at home was with a turntable and records. The only thing you could listen to was what you had, and if something new came out, you had to know about it and go purchase it.
Nowadays, I have access to not just some music, but pretty much ALL the music. It arrives from "someplace" over the air, and then my phone, or tablet, or computer talks to my speakers and plays it for me. If I'm walking around on the street and hear a cool song, I pull out my phone, it listens and tells me exactly what that song is, and then I can go home and listen to it myself.
I guess for people still listening to vinyl, for them technology maybe seems stagnant, but for the majority of music lovers, this is a whole new world compared to what it used to be and is completely different from what people were up to in the old days.