I hope the expression "like a broken record" is still in use ...
Because it applies to the following.
OP asked for, and I quote: "
Hifi amps with dsp". OP also searched Google for such and it didn't return any in OP's upper budget limit.
The reality is that such exist but not as "Hi-Fi_ amplifiers with DSP" . They're called "AVR" and many are powerful, immensely sophisticated "Hi-Fi amplifiers with DSP" . The list is very long, and span from 800 (less at times) to the OP's 2000 Euros limit.
IMHO, the better DSP out there are Audyssey (yes, that one) and DIRAC. Many seems to believe that Dirac is superior, there doesn't seem to be any study or rigorous comparisons to support that belief/assertion.
Nothing so far. It remains however that these 2 : Audyssey and Dirac are superior DSP capble when properly applied to provide accurate room correction and subwoofer integration. That last part in particular is their forte with several AVRs able to support the
proper integration and linearization of up to 4 subwoofers with mains. No too many "
Hifi amps with dsp" can do that, I would go as far as positing, there are none, yes that includes the very interesting miniDSP SHD Power, it has "only" 2 sub out.. not 4 like the Denon AVR 3800 ... at roughly the same price.
I don't know much about Dirac or its pricing structure, I do know a lot more about Audyssey.
There are a couple of ways for Audysseys to provide superior results as DRC (Digital Room Correction_/ DSP:
1) Audyssey's Windows MultEQ_X application for about $150 (when on sale) to $200
2) Audyssey IOS App for $20. Yes, Twenty USD.
Both require patience and research to achieve superior results:
MultEQ-X work from its own GUI and can be used to provide extraordinary accurate and customizable in-room response, it can even use REW measurements... The learning curve is STEEP. There is a lot of room for errors but it it s a powerful and underrated application. it is worth its price IME.
And there is the Audyssey IOS App...
Twenty USD, 2 and 0.
@OCA has worked his brain to a fever to bring us, audio enthusiasts a powerful tool, using this cheap APP with a method and software that allow Audyssey to tame our room and enjoy accurate Audio reproduction. Learning curve is also STEEP, but if you follow the instructions, step by step, you get to the nirvana or whatever audio paradise you dreamt of. All that for $20 USD. lot of time , determination, patience and some brain grease.
I believe it is time that we re-evaluate what AVRs bring in the context of music reproduction in the home (or elsewhere

). They should be the centerpiece of an audio system, be it stereo or MCH. The better AVRs are virtually transparent, as in 99.99999999999999%

p) of the audiophile population will not (cannot?) distinguish them in proper ABX to amplifiers with better SINAD.