@amirm thank you for all your handwork here. All your reviews are wonderful eye openers. Is RME ADI-2 still you main desktop setup. I read somewhere that you mention that you liked it so much and will be using it.
All this time I have been only focusing on MQA capable units, but the more I read about it, the more I realize that they really are an "evil virus" that needs to be stopped. And the only way to do that is by at least those that try to go after the truth to not support them with their money.
My only issue is Qbuz or whatever is called is not supported in my country (Strange as I am EU too and it is a french service). Not sure I want the hassle to have to hunt and download each music I like from some Flac source. Online streaming is just so convinient and I am getting the feeling that Tidal in an attempt to make you thing otherwise will actually degrade a file to make you want to get the "Master"QA version.