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Gustard X16 Balanced MQA DAC Review

@amirm thank you for all your handwork here. All your reviews are wonderful eye openers. Is RME ADI-2 still you main desktop setup. I read somewhere that you mention that you liked it so much and will be using it.
All this time I have been only focusing on MQA capable units, but the more I read about it, the more I realize that they really are an "evil virus" that needs to be stopped. And the only way to do that is by at least those that try to go after the truth to not support them with their money.
My only issue is Qbuz or whatever is called is not supported in my country (Strange as I am EU too and it is a french service). Not sure I want the hassle to have to hunt and download each music I like from some Flac source. Online streaming is just so convinient and I am getting the feeling that Tidal in an attempt to make you thing otherwise will actually degrade a file to make you want to get the "Master"QA version.
I enjoy Qobuz particularly with the Studio Premier annual subscription for USD 150/Yr which makes it cheaper than Tidal. Anyway, I am in US and want to stream from KKBox which is not for US. I have used VPN to make that work. Are you willing to consider using VPN?
As for 3-D sounding, DACs can't impact that. Pretend that it is more 3-D and listen more carefully and it will sound more 3-D! The effect will wear off later though...

"Believing is hearing. That’s right, if you believe you will hear a difference, then there's a good chance that you will."
- Roger Russell, former Director of Acoustic Research at McIntosh Laboratory, Inc.
Hello. I use a cheap Bluetooth receiver connected to my amplifier to play music from Tidal on my mobile phone through my bookshelf speakers. Would one of these Dacs connected to a laptop and my amplifier to play Tidal be better sound quality wise than my Bluetooth receiver? Sorry I really don't have a clue. Thanks.
I also have a cheap, $129 Bluetooth receiver that I've used with two external DACs - one that retails for $99 and one that retailed for about $1000 when new. I could not hear a difference between the internal DAC in the BT receiver, the BT connected to the $99 DAC or the BT connected to the $1000 DAC. Both the $99 DAC and the $1000 DAC are easily distinguished from the internal DACs of my 2005 era CD players, but not so much from each other.

I really can't see that I'd gain a lot moving to this excellent performing DAC because my sources are not higher resolution than 16/44.1K. A $500 investment elsewhere in the audio chain could yield more audible improvement, as it did when I recently upgraded to a newer integrated amplifier.
I am mentally stuck between choosing a new DAC, largely between the X16, the RME ADI-2 and the Topping D90. The X16 looks appealing and its £341.75. I know where I am with the D90, although pricey if I buy in the UK £600 rather than abroad (£460). The ADI looks appealing as any new DAC will be used on my desktop, and I like the fancy lights and the extra functionality (which I arguably don't need but would like)! But its £838 in the UK.

I upscale my local files (and Qobuz) via HQ Player to DSD 256.

Its nice having lots of choice, and at different price points. But I can't decide. I might need to pull one out of a bag at random at this rate!

This is truly a little beast isn't it? I own an AVR and use it only for 2.1 but, this is a seriously tempting piece of kit. One could easily add a decent streaming box since its missing that (seemingly). If only we could see these kind of measurements coupled with room correction.... I'd hit the Buy button immediately.
Are we simply at the point where the sum is equal to its parts, and implementation can suffer as long as you follow the spec sheets?
Any recommendations for purchasing an x16 inside the EU? I would purchase from Shenzhenaudio but am worried I might get a daft old customs bill. I'm based in the UK.
Any recommendations for purchasing an x16 inside the EU?
I think you'd have to wait till one of the usual suspects adds the x16 to their shop (clear-components.de audiophonics.fr) Shouldn't last too long. Otherwise order it directly from shenzhenaudio via Amazon.co.uk
I have done that in the past and always got my gear. You might have to pay import sales tax to the carrier but shenzhenaudio always refunded the tax afterwards.
Sorry if this is a daft question, but could that be fixed with a future firmware update?
I don't think so. As far as I understand it you would have to modify the resistor to capacitor ratio in the lowpassfilter at the opamp and this is nothing you can do via firmware upgrade. But it's more a cosmetic problem than a real one.
Got one of these in, build quality feels lovely!, nice and solid with plenty of weight to it and a nice relay clicking sound! "Yes can't help but love that clicking; trademark of Gustard products",

It performed well when testing; outputting very low impedance <100 ohm, integrating well when running direct to several types of power amps with 'varying input impedance levels <10k-45k+ ohm ' testing both SE (RCA) and Balanced (XLR)
This is a strong indication that it has a well designed analog output stage. Well done Gustard.
Well I just pulled the trigger, been looking for a DAC for a long time, paid £351 free delivery direct, Ebay is quoting possible delivery by March and Amazon want £430. They say delivery by end of the month, in time for Christmas listening session!
Awesome performance. The first manufacturer to incorporate this level of performance with being Roon Ready/Roon Tested at this price point is going to endgame the DAC debate. Hope we get it soon!
Is the 'ess hump' audible? Consider upgrading my soncoz la-qxd1.

A like-for-like unit would be the Soncoz SGD1, identical measurements with no ESS-hump and has the same feature set.
Its actually cheaper than the X16 right now.

Topping right now.

It's a great time to be a digital audiophile! The most impressive thing about this DAC is the price to performance ratio. My constant plea to Chinese DAC manufacturers is to keep doing what they do: SOTA performance at honest price tags. Also, like I always say here, the next step for them shouldn't be better SINAD, but better design, functionality, usability, ergonomics, reliability, longevity etc.

IMO, it's not Topping who is sweating right now, rather, it would be those who overprice like PS Audio, dCS, etc. and to a certain extent, Benchmark and Schiit, who offer better value, but can't beat China's lower manufacturing costs. There are also the likes of Denafrips, who don't seem to care much about measurements.
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