Look, let's just give up on this eh ??
You guys are literally 'fixated' on this Hum issue,.. my original post, simply included some advice regarding NOT coiling Mains cables, so as to avoid dangerous Heat build up,.. if you read it again, I did NOT mention ANY kind of Field in relation to that. That said, there is (as suggested) two schools of thought on whether or not the 'Fields' are cancelled, as there does seem to be evidence that perhaps they aren't 'Nulled' and can actually contribute to the heat issue. I have no specific refential evidence of this myself.
I accept that suggesting the person was wrong by quoting the whole statement was poor editing on my behalf,... what I was specifically intending to refer (once again to the concept of reducing heat) with reference:
There is no need for a 'Figure-8' pattern
You ALL may not think so but in high current situations, it is a great way to allow plenty of air around the cables to avoid heat build up.
I'm 67, have worked and toured extensively, for nearly 40 years with many local and international artists, so I'm not simply shooting my mouth off, I was merely suggesting what is arguably best practice in the Professional Concert touring industry, ... but go right ahead, do what you like, I don't care,... perhaps ask an electrician.
Also, if you coil mains cables you can reduce their current carrying capacity severely !!
One of those typical Camping style units can only carry about 3 to 5 amps when coiled, yet 8 to 10 when fully laid out.
I'll leave you once again, with the hum that as yet, doesn't exist,..

.... interesting that I have been clobbered for trying to offer some Safety information ,... a very popular and famous Talking Heads song seems to come to mind,...all of a sudden,.. LOL