A valid point.
The digital file is the most trustworthy way for people here to examine the experiment design.
The upscale setting and the files have been share and the hash of ABX also provided that people can remotely examine them.
I got the same thought as him that if he just release the ABX video about the DAC people here will just say he's cheating or the ABX machine of his is flawed or whatever reason one can diss him.
After all, the well-regarded, "acoustically transparent", ESS/AKM based SOTA Topping/SMSL DAC's filter somehow become a "lazy" filter now.
The digital file is the most trustworthy way for people here to examine the experiment design.
The upscale setting and the files have been share and the hash of ABX also provided that people can remotely examine them.
I got the same thought as him that if he just release the ABX video about the DAC people here will just say he's cheating or the ABX machine of his is flawed or whatever reason one can diss him.
After all, the well-regarded, "acoustically transparent", ESS/AKM based SOTA Topping/SMSL DAC's filter somehow become a "lazy" filter now.