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Genelec G2 (8020) measurements


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Sep 16, 2019
The Genelec G2 is the home equivalent of the 8020. Acoustically there is no difference. It is a ver compact 2-way model with a 4" woofer. On first glance the axial response is not perfect. Subjectively I don't believe these flaws are very audible. Compared directly in a large room to the Neumannn KH80 they don't differ drastically tonally, but the G2 throws a larger image in the mono test on account of its wider directivity, which I preferred. Please note while the crossover is active, there is no DSP processing going on in this speaker. Low frequency data (<360Hz) is based on nearfield measurements and merged with the 2m measurements (5ms time window).

GenG2 Power+DI.png

GenG2 Directivity (hor).png

GenG2 Directivity (ver, neg front).png

GenG2 Directivity (ver, pos front).png
GenG2 Directivity (horpol).png

GenG2 Directivity (ver).png


  • CEA2034.zip
    80.3 KB · Views: 203
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Disappointed with the mess at 2.500 Hz (peak on-axis, dip off-axis) and overall V-shape.

Directivity is great down to 800 Hz though.

Edit: I meant 3.500 Hz.
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Updated text.


Disappointed with the mess at 2.500 Hz (peak on-axis, dip off-axis) and overall V-shape.

Directivity is great down to 800 Hz though.

Not sure I'm seeing a 2.5kHz problem? Perhaps you mean 3.5kHz? Tonally I'm not hearing the issues as much as I'm seeing them here. Measurments can be brutal :)
Updated text.

Not sure I'm seeing a 2.5kHz problem? Perhaps you mean 3.5kHz? Tonally I'm not hearing the issues as much as I'm seeing them here. Measurments can be brutal :)
Yes of course you are right, my mistake.
In the horizontal plane the G2 is quite well behaved. Early horizontal reflections and corresponding directivity are excellent. Sidewall reflection average is better behaved than the direct sound.
GenG2 Power+DIhorizontal.png
Thank you @ TimVG! I will note that something is likely a bit amiss with the low frequencies as one would expect all the curves to roughly overlap or intersect at low frequencies, so one might want to take the off axis curves at those frequencies with a bit of a grain of salt.

Sometimes VCAD has trouble interpolating those angles correctly. I forget, did you note in the other thread that you are rotating at the speaker center rather than at the baffle? It's possible that is confusing the system a bit.

Otherwise tracks Genelec pretty closely though! (Note this is for the 8020D rather than the G2, but should be the same ish?)

Thank you @ TimVG! I will note that something is likely a bit amiss with the low frequencies as one would expect all the curves to roughly overlap or intersect at low frequencies, so one might want to take the off axis curves at those frequencies with a bit of a grain of salt.

Adjusted opening post to reflect this.

Sometimes VCAD has trouble interpolating those angles correctly. I forget, did you note in the other thread that you are rotating at the speaker center rather than at the baffle? It's possible that is confusing the system a bit.

Yes, although for a small speaker like this, both are very close to one-another. These things are really tiny, can't imagine the 8010, must look like a toy.

Otherwise tracks Genelec pretty closely though! (Note this is for the 8020D rather than the G2, but should be the same ish?)

It does match up pretty well. Further more, in-room measurements (large hall, average of about 9 measurements) match the predicted curve pretty well.

Tagging @Maiky76 in case he wants to calculate the score. Files attached to opening post.
Adjusted opening post to reflect this.

Yes, although for a small speaker like this, both are very close to one-another. These things are really tiny, can't imagine the 8010, must look like a toy.

It does match up pretty well. Further more, in-room measurements (large hall, average of about 9 measurements) match the predicted curve pretty well.

View attachment 97103

Thanks! Yeah, just don't want anyone thinking these speakers somehow manage to have some directivity control all the way down to 50Hz! :D

And yeah I can imagine it shouldn't make a big difference for such a small speaker, especially if you were measuring from a distance. I just know VCAD can be pretty sensitive to bass directivity in the gated measurements, just not clear what might be causing it here. No biggie though as long as people know the context.
Overall I'm pretty happy with the correlation between the official Genelec measurement and my own, considering my limited experience and restraints. I suspect the slight HF difference could be explained by measuring at 2m as opposed to 1m.. I'd have to check that out. I hope over Christmas to build a better rig to improve my results further.

The Genelec G2 is the home equivalent of the 8020. Acoustically there is no difference. It is a ver compact 2-way model with a 4" woofer. On first glance the axial response is not perfect. Subjectively I don't believe these flaws are very audible. Compared directly in a large room to the Neumannn KH80 they don't differ drastically tonally, but the G2 throws a larger image in the mono test on account of its wider directivity, which I preferred. Please note while the crossover is active, there is no DSP processing going on in this speaker. Low frequency data (<360Hz) is based on nearfield measurements and merged with the 2m measurements (5ms time window).

View attachment 97077

View attachment 97079
View attachment 97080

View attachment 97081View attachment 97082

View attachment 97083


Here are the scores and EQs.
Great effort again
I am not quite sure about the LF directivity. Did you just spliced the LF the same on all responses?
The port being on the back, I would expect something different but I might be wrong.
Could you share the raw data i.e V and H responses at all angles?

The raw data:
Score no EQ: 5.44
With Sub: 7.78
Spinorama with no EQ:
  • Not as Flat as I would have expected, maybe because the multimedia usage?
Genelec 8020 (G2) No EQ Spinorama.png

EQ design:
I have generated two EQs. The APO config files are attached.
  • The first one, labelled, LW is targeted at making the LW flat
  • The second, labelled Score, starts with the first one and adds the score as an optimization variable.
  • The EQs are designed in the context of regular stereo use i.e. domestic environment, no warranty is provided for a near field use in a studio environment although the LW might be better suited for this purpose.
  • Careful listening test would be required as the LW vs Score are very close. not quite sure if the score reflects this.
Score EQ LW: 6.10
with sub: 8.44
Score EQ Score: 6.43
with sub: 8.76

Genelec 8020 (G2) APO EQ LW 96000Hz

Preamp: -2.4 dB

Filter 1: ON PK Fc 389 Hz Gain 1.02 dB Q 3.75
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 720 Hz Gain 1.85 dB Q 6.6
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1461 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 1.11
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 3379 Hz Gain -1.79 dB Q 3.84
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 4770 Hz Gain 1.03 dB Q 2.1
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 8219 Hz Gain -1.03 dB Q 3.1
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 12324 Hz Gain 2.41 dB Q 1.87

Genelec 8020 (G2) APO EQ Score 96000Hz

Preamp: -2.2 dB

Filter 1: ON PK Fc 404.6 Hz Gain 1.22 dB Q 4.13
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 699 Hz Gain 1.5 dB Q 7.6
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1454 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 0.91
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 3461 Hz Gain -1.79 dB Q 4
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 4459 Hz Gain 1.03 dB Q 1.26
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 8219 Hz Gain -0.77 dB Q 2.03
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 11790 Hz Gain 1.85 dB Q 3.65
Genelec 8020 (G2) EQ Design.png

Spinorama EQ LW
Genelec 8020 (G2) EQ LW Spinorama.png

Spinorama EQ Score
Genelec 8020 (G2) EQ Score Spinorama.png

Genelec 8020 (G2) Zoom PIR-LW-ON.png

Regression - Tonal
Genelec 8020 (G2) Regression - Tonal.png

Radar no EQ vs EQ score
some improvements
Genelec 8020 (G2) Radar.png


  • Genelec 8020 (G2) APO EQ LW 96000Hz.txt
    400 bytes · Views: 149
  • Genelec 8020 (G2) APO EQ Score 96000Hz.txt
    403 bytes · Views: 197
I am not quite sure about the LF directivity. Did you just spliced the LF the same on all responses?

Spliced at 360Hz so directivity below is to be ignored. Thanks for your calculations!
Is the horizontal polar plot normalized ?
It does not show the 3.5 irregularities
between genelec 8020D and Dynaudio LYD5 [setting at bass extensions -10hz], which speaker producer a deeper bass in lower frequencies 45-60hz? dynaudio is the winner?
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Genelec 8020 (G2) APO EQ LW 96000Hz

Preamp: -2.4 dB

Filter 1: ON PK Fc 389 Hz Gain 1.02 dB Q 3.75
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 720 Hz Gain 1.85 dB Q 6.6
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1461 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 1.11
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 3379 Hz Gain -1.79 dB Q 3.84
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 4770 Hz Gain 1.03 dB Q 2.1
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 8219 Hz Gain -1.03 dB Q 3.1
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 12324 Hz Gain 2.41 dB Q 1.87

Genelec 8020 (G2) APO EQ Score 96000Hz

Preamp: -2.2 dB

Filter 1: ON PK Fc 404.6 Hz Gain 1.22 dB Q 4.13
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 699 Hz Gain 1.5 dB Q 7.6
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1454 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 0.91
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 3461 Hz Gain -1.79 dB Q 4
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 4459 Hz Gain 1.03 dB Q 1.26
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 8219 Hz Gain -0.77 dB Q 2.03
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 11790 Hz Gain 1.85 dB Q 3.65

hey i'm just trying these settings out... what does "PK" and "Fc" mean?
hey i'm just trying these settings out... what does "PK" and "Fc" mean?
The code in Maiky76 posts are in Equalizer APO configuration file format. The lines reflect each of the EAPO line settings. "PK" means peaking filter and "Fc" is the center frequency of the filter.

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