Apologies, I accidentally deleted my original post, so I'll attempt to repost it here in briefer form.
Prior to the release of the Genelec 9320A controller, Amir had suggested that I might be able to increase the performance of my Genelecs by foregoing the use of a DAC and preamp and adopting the (then) forthcoming controller.
Fast forward some years, and I met with Steve Jones at Genelec, London - who has subsequently been helping me to optimise my Genelec set-up. This culminated in his suggesting a way that I could improve performance by removing my DAC, preamps and NUC streamer. It was here that things came together with my removing my high end Topping stack and my Intel NUC (on which I ran my Roon ROCK). I therefore went completely digital (AES/EBU) in my simplified set-up, by introducing the RDL HR-DSX4 digital selector running into a Genelec 9320A controller.
Put simply, the quality of improvement in the performance of my 8361A monitors and 7360A subs, when run in this way, far exceeded my wildest expectations; so much so that I'm now actually questioning the need to upgrade from my 7360A subs to the W371A's. And that is really, really saying something!
Interestingly, the huge improvement of the Genelecs when the system is run in pure digital mode is clearly suggested by Marcel Schechter's recent YouTube videos (regarding setting up the 9320A controller). Here, his noting of the superiority of digital set-up definitely complies with my own experience and seems worthy of deep consideration!!
All I can say with absolute certainty is that I genuinely had no idea just how incredible my monitors were - prior to adopting a pure digital set-up and removing the need for a DAC and preamp. For those Genelec owners who have not yet made that move, I highly recommend that you try it out. Once tried, I strongly believe that you won't go back.
To that end, I hope the underlying Steve designed attachment can help anyone else who might be interested in optimizing their Genelecs.