The differences between the speakers was veryyy audible to me. It is true the listening conditions were not ideal. In fact the neumann were closer together than the geithain so i had to move in the room to compare. Def not ideal. Anytime speakers aren’t in a free standing space issues happen, unfortunately creating these conditions for a perfect demo is difficult without spending a ton of money.
When i started this post i was advised to listen to these speakers because construction, materials ect. Have huge impact on sound.
I am eager to learn more on how the graphs provided in this forum correlate to audible perceived differences.
But to comment on neumann vs geithainn.
I felt sbir did have an effect on this listening experience. And it would likely have an affect in my own studio!(I’ve read the only way to overcome sbir in a meaningful way is soffit mounting, which in itself is expensive!)*i read this when doing some reading through the master handbook of acoustics
But also the overall impression of the speaker. I hear a lot of the “euphonic tuning” of the geithainn, the “natural presentation”. These things become pointed out when compared to a speaker like the neumann. More flat, more “speaker” sounding.
I could easily learn how to mix on the neumann and find great results. But i feel i would still be compensating for the imho less favorable “tone” of the speaker.
On top of this there was the what i found to be a haze or distortion in neumann that i can’t quite put my finger on… maybe an interaction between the drivers. Maybe the fact that they aren’t coaxial… maybeee sbir… not sure! This was confirmed though when my gf’s untrained ear picked up the difference right away.
But when i listened on Geithainn, like i said in previous posts, i was not only hearing the fundamental of the kick and bass but also in a very clear way the individual harmonics poking out. I could hear the beater of the kick and what material was used. I could hear the very gentle sub freq produced when the strings of a guitar were plucked. It was as if i was brought into the room the recording was made in. My experience with neumann was i was still listening to a loudspeaker. A very accurate loudspeaker! But a loud speaker. I have yamahas and aurtone for this. I want mains to give me more.
I understand geithain. Is out of reach for a lot of people (for many reasons) and that is likely why they aren’t more popular.
But my first question in my journey was, “should i look at measurements and accept great measurements for what they are without first demoing the speaker” that is why i was greatly considering the KH420 in my original post! If anything i had a confirmation bias toward these, as they are easier on my pocket!
The overwhelming response was LISTEN FIRST!! Same response in gearspace.
So i travel across the world to hear these speakers for myself.
My second question became between the speakers in this price point, which one do i like the most/ will be the most useful to me.
After comparing side by side, i came to these conclusions.
I really do hope we can get third party measurements on the Geithainn.
I also wish they were more available to the world.
But when i heard them i knew they were what i was looking for. Even compared to speakers in a higher price bracket. For me the RL901K checked every box and then some.
Huge sweet spot? ( and i mean kind of unbelievable likely do to coaxial) check
Low distortion figures that make the speaker feel effortless and natural? Check
A cardioid response down super low? Check
And all this WITHOUT DSP…
Is it the world’s best speaker? I don’t know…
Still haven’t heard the Genelec 8381A ;-)
I too believe in diminishing returns, to the everyday listener maybe the difference isn’t great enough to justify such a price gap. Imho, when you go from 80% to 95% something special happens… a sort of magic feeling happens. It is like getting a great croissant and enjoying it. Food is food, but when you go to france and eat a croissant made by the hand of a master who has dedicated their life to making something perfect, it translates to me, in an emotional way.
The little details add up… and why settle when these will be with me for the next 10-20 years?
Not to say i NEED this in anyway, but to me, in my very specific situation. I feel it is a great option!