@Fosi Audio - Any update for us regarding a multi-input solid state preamp in the V3 series? OF all the things you have indicated you are working on, that's the one I'm most interested in.
I'm currently using the original Schiit Saga, which I guess is now the Saga+. I got it for a good deal, normally not a fan of tubes outside of my guitar amps. The tube buffer just seems to boost the volume a bit, at least as far as I can tell. It's a really nice preamp. I'm very interested in the new Fosi preamp, especially if there's tone controls and an XLR input(s). Ideally I'd like a Schiit preamp with balanced inputs and tone controls, but that doesn't seem to be in their design philosophy. And would affect sales of their Loki eqs, I would imagine.I got a hint from the Schiit folks a few weeks ago that they are working on some form of replacement for the Saga S preamp, which I came close to buying many times. What I really, really want, as the old song goes, is something like the Saga S but with a phono pre option included. A modern version of the classic 80s preamp, all with RCA inputs rather than XLR.
The Saga S was about $300, the way things go at Schiit I would expect that whatever they are working on, it will be more money. So I've been hoping that whatever Fosi is working on, it will have enough functionality that I can buy that and use for awhile.
I think the all-solid-state "preamp hole" right now is glaring, I am kinda surprised that one of the Chinese manufacturers have not jumped on it quicker.
I have a NAD 1020 in good nick that I still use from time to time when needed, also a Nikko Beta 20 (has rack ears and no headphone out, alas). They both sound pretty good but neither has a stepped attenuator or remote.
Since I have no urgent need, I just sit on my hands...continue to watch the Hypex evolution etc. My ideal new main rig would be like the Schiit Vidar and Saga, but Hypex-based Class D, not A/B, and with a matching full-featured preamp, all for about$1,000. I continue to watch Buckeye to see what the feature set will be on their new integrated offering. A front power button is a must for me, ditto a good attenuator and remote.
Where did you see this announcement?Fosi P4 is on the way: "The P4 features three RCA inputs, one RCA output, and a pre-out, with bass and treble adjustments as well as gain control functions, and comes with a remote control. As a preamp, it effectively manages inputs and outputs, initial signal amplification, and tone adjustment in your audio system, making it an ideal choice for home audio setups."
Please tell me bass is on the left?Just got my unit from Fosi today, the new P4 preamp. My initial impressions are very positive. While the power supply is much smaller (12v, 1.5a) and more generic than the Schiit Saga 2, it sounds very good paired with an Aiyima A07 MAX - I will try over the weekend with my Fosi V3. The remote works well. The base/volume/treble knobs are a bit close together, but I expect this was caused by wanting the case size to be compatible with the V3 amp. Having the gain switch on the back side is not as convenient as the Saga 2's front control. And, of course, the Fosi does not have balanced XLR outputs, just RCAs, and has 3 inputs to Saga's 4. But the fit and finish is nice and as I say, my initial impression of the sound is good. I will be testing and playing more over next several days and then I'll write a lengthier review & thoughts...
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