As I came across as “exhausting” (thanks @CReeDeR for your kind words, and @dlovesmusic for your unconditional 100% support of the same kind words), I’ll try to be brief…Your reply there comes across as quite… Dunno the word. In my native language we have a saying:
«Lage storm i vannglass»
Translates to making a storm in a glass of water. I’m guessing you pick up on the meaning.
I bought the unit, swapped the op-amps; it came with an extra set. Swapped the ones in my V3 monos as well. It is a fun little exercise, and I might just check out other as well. For the fun of it. Makes more sense than different power cables and usb-cables, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. So why the grief?
As I said in previous posts, I have no issue with the feature (rollable opamps), even if I question the value. My grief is about Fosi “signature” assessment of these opamps and their “recommendations” based on genre…
An audiophile who listens to “Classical, Jazz, Audiophile Recordings” (Fosi’s words), and trusts Fosi’s recommendations should buy 3x Sparkos SS3602 opamps. Fosi is an official distributor for Sparkos, and sells these opamps as “accessories” for the modest price of $163.99 (2x sets) + $85.99 (1x set + DIP socket) = $249.98. How is a strong snake oil smell not hovering above Fosi’s brand name?
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