That's the difference between numbers/theory and experience.
I had built two TPA3255 evaluation boards, 1 as a BTL, 1 as a PBTL. The headroom of the PBTL board compared to the BTL was impressive, and if more power is needed, it's a viable option.
The speakers were impedance-corrected 4 ohms and the power supply was not a limitation.
Theoretically, the difference between a Yamaha A-S 701 and 1000, for example, is not great; according to the numbers, they are even the same. In practice, hardly anyone would choose the 701 after hearing the 1000 in comparison. The performance, headroom, etc. are impressive compared to the 701.
That's the difference between theory and practice. I knew the theory beforehand, but there's no substitute for practical experience.
I can live with your opinion because I have my experience.
I think my loss is smaller.