Master Contributor
Apparently. 57 pages, 1126 posts:Wow... I'm surprised there are still a few who use a turntable?
It takes me back to the Stone Age when we also needed a record cleaner, a place to store albums and had to get rid of albums as they warped. Custom digital playlists whether local or streaming have become my favorite music delivery. No more being locked into playing all tracks on an album or wasting money looking for that favorite phono cartridge. Cheers!
I can recommend #1117 in that thread:

Nice turntables. Attached picture is an absolute requirement.
Post a picture of a vinyl lathe that you think looks good.:D Performance information, optional. I am most interested in some nice pictures. How vinyl sounds is of secondary importance. For me anyway.:) Feel free to tell us about your youth's vinyl player. Take a trip down memory lane...

It seems that most people combine record players with CD and or streaming.
Then why? Even more pages, 527 of them and 10521 posts:

Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?
That's bull. It's just a vinyl-head talking point. It’s not like it’s “ not a thing” at all. Just a few pages ago, there’s a video of an audio engineer saying that he does just that: squashes the dynamic range for digital release, but not for vinyl. There’s also been previous videos posted...