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For newbies: common mistakes with REW, how to ask for help on ASR


Major Contributor
Jun 26, 2016
Melbourne, Australia
I have been helping new users interpret REW measurements on ASR and I see many of the same mistakes being made all the time. Rather than repeat myself, I thought that a guide might help.

This is NOT a guide to take measurements or how to use REW. The REW manual is a treasure trove of information, and it is extensive. The only problem is that you may not know where to look if you are new to measurements.


1. Before you start ...

These items are essential before you start taking measurements with REW:

- PC/Mac capable of running REW.
- A USB or XLR microphone. If you choose an XLR microphone, you also need an interface with 48V Phantom Power
- Appropriate cabling for your microphone and interface
- A microphone tripod with a boom.
- Read the getting started with REW guide.

2. What microphone to use
Use an omnidirectional condenser type microphone. Microphones are not the same! Some microphones may be optimised for voice, some may have a cardioid pattern and reject reflections, etc. Omnidirectional condenser microphones work by varying the capacitance in the capsule membrane, and thus need to be powered.

There are two types: XLR and USB. XLR microphones require a microphone preamp that supplies voltage, usually 48V. This is known as "Phantom Power". It is built into interfaces. Common XLR microphones used by ASR members include: Behringer ECM8000, Dayton EMM-6, iSemCon EMX-7150, Earthworks M23/M30. USB microphones have the power supply and ADC built into the mic. Common USB microphones used here include: UMIK-1, UMIK-2, Dayton UMM-6.

3. Calibration

Microphones are manufactured to a tolerance and may have large variations in frequency response if not calibrated. The above shows the variance in response of a few dozen Behringer ECM8000 microphones - you can see that the variance is highest at both extremes of the frequency range. Make sure the microphone you buy comes with a calibration file. If not, send it to a calibration service. Also note that mics can go out of calibration after use, especially if the mic has been physically abused (subjected to temperature extremes, dropped, jiggled around, etc).

4. Why you need a mic boom tripod

Some microphones come with mini tripods (e.g. UMIK-1 and UMIK-2, Anthem ARC microphone, etc). These are good for landfill only. The first thing you should buy is a mic boom stand. This is because microphones need to be positioned away from reflective surfaces to take a meaningful measurement. Even the design of the mic boom can create reflections that will affect your measurement, but we don't usually worry about those because they are low in amplitude and can be ignored unless extreme accuracy is desired.

5. Microphone orientation
Microphones need to be pointed at the speakers, and not up at the ceiling. The reason is because "omnidirectional" microphones are not truly omnidirectional, they have a polar response and will measure a different frequency response if it is pointed in the wrong direction. Read this. The only time microphones can be pointed upwards is if they include a equalisation file for vertical orientation. Otherwise - (as a presidential candidate said) ... DON'T.

6. Moving furniture
Some guides might direct you to move furniture away so there are no reflective surfaces close to the speaker. Some tell you to leave furniture in place. What is going on?


The key is to understand that long and short wavelengths behave differently in listening rooms. The strategy to measure them is different, and the interventions we use to fix these problems are also different. The zones are defined by the Schroder frequency. It is very important to understand this concept. (As an aside: If you have high frequency problems, the best approach is to (a) buy better speakers, (b) consider repositioning your speakers, (c) try to fix anomalies with room treatment, (d) apply gentle DSP. In that order! If you have low frequency problems, the approach is to (a) consider adding more subwoofers, (b) DSP. Room treatment has a minimal role because it is less effective and excessively intrusive.)

When measuring long wavelengths, we want to include all the influence of room furnishings in our measurement because that affects how bass behaves. This includes: sofas, coffee tables, and other large furnishings. When measuring short wavelengths, we want to measure the output from the loudspeakers alone because that determines what we hear. This can be very difficult in a listening room, particularly if it is small. So we may decide to: (a) do the measurement anyway but interpret upper frequencies with caution, (b) choose not to correct the upper frequencies because we know we are not measuring them properly, (c) attempt to get a quasi-anechoic measurement by taking the speakers outside and away from nearby reflective surfaces.


If your room is large enough, you can move your speakers and microphone to the middle of the room to measure upper frequencies. You will be able to obtain a meaningful measurement to a lower limit if you window the measurement appropriately. The lower limit is defined by the distance between mic/speaker to the closest reflective surface (e.g. walls, floor, ceiling). See above diagram.

7. Choose the correct SPL for measurement
Measurement sweeps need to be: "not too loud, and not too soft".

"Not too loud": loudspeakers, and to a lesser extent amplifiers, are nonlinear devices. At high volumes they distort, compress, and clip. This WILL affect your measurement, for example high amounts of harmonic distortion will look like a rising frequency response. Loudspeaker compression will look like deviations from the frequency response depending on which driver is compressing.


"Not too soft": every listening room has a noise floor. Most of the noise in listening rooms is low frequency, so you may not be aware of the presence of a lot of noise because it is less audible and our brain filters it out. It will look like a rising bass response. The above graph shows a full range (20Hz - 20kHz) measurement of a tweeter (I was able to obtain this measurement without damaging the tweeter by choosing a very short pulse). All that bass you see is the room's noise floor, it is not tweeter output!

The goal of a measurement is to obtain a high signal to noise ratio. Noise can be minimised by choosing to do your measurement when ambient noise is low (evenings, weekends). Signal quality can be improved by increasing the amplitude of the impulse (i.e. turn up the volume) or length (time) of the impulse. A 45 second sweep has about 90dB of noise rejection. You could also take multiple short sweeps, reject those that look flawed or noisy, and average them. How to average graphs in REW.

You will notice I did not include "SPL Meter" in the purchase list, despite REW nagging you to calibrate your mic to an SPL meter every time you boot it up. Why? This is because knowledge of your SPL does not guarantee that your speakers will not behave in a nonlinear fashion. The best way to determine if your speaker is behaving strangely is to measure at different volumes (typically 75dB, 85dB, 95dB - but you can increase the volume in REW by 5-10dB each time). Then overlay the graphs and examine it. They should all look the same, but they won't. At some point the frequency response will start to deviate. You want to measure at a volume lower than where the deviation occurs.

SPL meters are good for determining the noise floor when interpreting spectrograms and waterfalls and for compression measurements. They have a number of other uses, but most of us do not need SPL meters.

8. Before and after measurements
You might want to know the effect of DSP, room treatments, different speakers, etc. The key is to repeat the measurement whilst keeping all variables the same, except the one you are testing. This means: don't move your microphone, or at least take steps to make sure you can re-position your microphone in the exact same position when comparing measurements. Some people hang a plumb line from the ceiling so they know where to place the microphone. Don't make multiple changes at once, e.g. one guy I am trying to help is measuring with one mic in five positions using his HT AVR and verifying with another mic using MMM and a different software program. One variable at a time!

9. Avoid speaker and hearing damage.
Be aware that speaker drivers can overheat and voice coils can melt. Do NOT play loud sine wave tones through your subwoofer for a long time. Do NOT allow your amplifier to clip - this sends high frequency tones to the tweeter and can burn it out. Sometimes, repeated loud measurements can cause drivers to overheat and behave in a nonlinear fashion - i.e. repeated sweeps can cause the frequency response to change!

Wear hearing protection, or exit the room while taking the measurement. You can use REW to delay the start of the measurement to give you enough time to leave.

10. Special measurement techniques
Special procedures are required if we want other types of information. For example:
- if we want to know the bass performance of a subwoofer or speaker independent of the room. Speaker designers and reviewers need to know this. Most hobbyists don't. What you need to know is how your sub or speaker is performing in your room.
- the average frequency response over a listening area. You will need to do an MMM or multi-point averaged measurement. I am not going to discuss that here to keep the length shorter.
- quasi-anechoic response of the loudspeaker and directivity measurements. You need to know this if you want to correct the upper frequencies with DSP. There are several techniques but I won't discuss them here.
- speaker compression.
- loudspeaker port measurement
- measurements of difficult speakers, e.g. dipoles and omnis.

For us to help you (and we want to help!) we need:

1. Confidence that you have taken a proper measurement. Read the above and make sure you have not made any mistakes. This is very important. We don't know if the anomalies are real or due to an artefact from improper measurement! In your post, state that you have read this guide, and specifically state that you have used the proper microphone, pointed it at the speakers, used a mic boom tripod, and taken noise precautions.
2. The intention of the measurement and the question you are asking. For example, "my left speaker sounds louder than my right, but the measurements look the same! Why?". A question like "please comment on this graph" is not so helpful.
3. Details of your room: height, width, length (people always forget about the height!). Where is the listening position, where are the speakers. A quick drawing is very helpful.
4. Details on your equipment you are measuring: how many speakers, subs, how many DAC channels, etc. and how you have connected them together.
5. Properly labelled graphs. Edit the name of each graph in REW so that the labels CLEARLY tell us what we are looking at, e.g. "L spkr + L sub" or "L sub - no DSP". You can rename graphs by right clicking on the graph panel on the left.

By far the best way to ask for help is to post the .MDAT file on ASR. To do this, you need to zip the .MDAT and use "Attach files" when posting your thread.

If you do want to post the graphs (and a few graphs are always helpful), please try to follow these guidelines:


1. Choose a proper zoom. If you are asking a question about bass, zoom in on the bass. REW has a number of options that help you scale the graph for easier viewing:
a) "fit to data" option. (see above)
b) Zoom in to an area of interest. To do this, hold down the CTRL key and right click on the graph to drag a box. Then click on the shaded area to zoom.
c) On the bottom right of your graph, you will see two buttons - "10 .. 200" and "20 .. 20k". One automatically zooms to show the bass, the other to full range.

2. Choose proper smoothing. Normally 1/6 or 1/12 octave smoothing.


2. If using a screenshot, make sure we can see the vertical / horizontal scales and labels CLEARLY. This is the best way to post a screenshot: click on the camera (top left) then click on copy to clipboard. Then go to ASR and type "Ctrl-V" to paste.

3. Do not post too many curves in one graph. It makes it hard to see.

Lastly, remember that ASR members are human! If you post a thread without sufficient information, too many mistakes in measurements, a poorly asked question, etc. - many ASR members will not bother to help. I can't blame them. I often help because everyone is ignoring the newbie and I feel pity. These guys are effing grumpy. So please, help us to help you.
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Most excellent. Thank you for this. I might suggest that in the explanation for item 6, one could could consider using spin data to correct above Schroeder, if appropriate
Most excellent. Thank you for this. I might suggest that in the explanation for item 6, one could could consider using spin data to correct above Schroeder, if appropriate

I actually want to remove that aside (how to deal with LF and HF problems differently) from point 6 and not add to it. If the document gets too long, it loses its impact. Sometimes less is more.
Slightly off topic but...

I use MathAudio RoomEQ and they specify that the mic orientation should be vertical. Does anyone know why this would be?
Presumably the goal is the same?
Slightly off topic but...

I use MathAudio RoomEQ and they specify that the mic orientation should be vertical. Does anyone know why this would be?
Presumably the goal is the same?
Mathaudio uses neither steady mic measurement nor MMM one.
It combines data from and around MLP to present the outcome.

I'm afraid that there's not a simple answer.
Perhaps it is better to encourage the beginner to simply get a USB microphone, like a miniDSP UMIK-1, to avoid the plague of problems trying to use a separate mixer that provides phantom power to the microphone, but introduces calibration problems...and a real microphone stand (as you mentioned above).

Then encourage beginners to post their resulting MDAT file to the forum that they choose to ask for help in interpreting the results, along with a small picture of their setup with microphone placement shown.

Here is a typical example of how that process unfolds once the MDAT file is posted: https://www.avnirvana.com/threads/loudspeaker-step-response-looks-unusual.14090/#post-106764

I've helped many dozens of REW novices from other forums (Klipsch, diyAudio, AV Nirvana, Audiokarma, etc.) and I have to say that the most important point to make is for the user to post their resulting MDAT files, and then do not walk away--stick with it until they start to see success. The dialogue that ensues in the thread is most important to this process.

(I'm not sure that I'd recommend this particular forum to start learning. Perhaps it would be better to start at AV Nirvana, where John Mulcahy [the REW creator/owner] also hangs out and the foot traffic of problematic forum responders [trolls] is typically much lower. YMMV.)

For myself, years ago I learned through persistence, not really via on-line guides. But I also had the benefit of a fundamental understanding the acoustics in my background, and the persistence to just keep taking measurements and fixing problems that were encountered, one at a time. The payoff was great, indeed.

Building self-confidence in the beginner is at least as important as getting good measurements results. The value of taking acoustic measurements in-room never really goes away over time. It's fundamental to better sound, I find, and an indispensable audio skill.


Great writeup.

I would love to see directions on the use of the IEC263 aspect ratio.

Not sure why it is greyed out in your screenshot @Keith_W, but it's by far the easiest way to make beginners post graphs that are comparable.

It's greyed out because I was on the "impulse response" tab when I took the screenshot. I don't think in terms of IEC263 so I neglected to mention it. In fact, REW isn't what I regularly use. I use Acourate. So when I have to use REW, I am all thumbs. I have just enough proficiency to do basic navigation and that's it! I am such a numbskull that only recently I figured out how to view a step response in REW properly.
I have a problem with rew, i use xlr microphone, with calibration file including sensitivity info but cannot get a proper calibration done in rew. An explanation i understand would help me adopt rew instead of arta.
I have a problem with rew, i use xlr microphone, with calibration file including sensitivity info but cannot get a proper calibration done in rew. An explanation i understand would help me adopt rew instead of arta.
Here's a little calculator I wrote to aid in this, targeting the Focusrite Scarletts of this world:
DIY Acoustic Level Calibration

This probably is all a bit arcane still. I should probably make max input gain / input sensitivity entry a bit more flexible since e.g. @Julian Krause gives system gain in dBFS / dBV rather than dBFS / dBu, a 2.2 dB difference. Gain reduction must be determined in a separate loopback measurement. An explanation of the general thought process wouldn't hurt either.

EDIT: Calculator has now been revamped and hopefully made easier to use.
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I have been helping new users interpret REW measurements on ASR and I see many of the same mistakes being made all the time. Rather than repeat myself, I thought that a guide might help...


2. What microphone to use

I have already commented on this. If you really want to help a beginner, keep it as simple as possible and eliminate problems associated with microphone calibration by using a USB microphone (like a UMIK-1).

3. Calibration

The calibration files for UMIK-1 microphones are easily downloaded from the miniDSP web page (by microphone serial number) where they are sold, and do a very good job of accounting for amplitude and phase response anomalies.

6. Moving furniture
Some guides might direct you to move furniture away so there are no reflective surfaces close to the speaker. Some tell you to leave furniture in place. What is going on?

View attachment 400398

This diagram is very confusing to my eyes. Schroeder frequency implies a certain break-point frequency between the sparse mode region of the room (i.e., longer wavelengths) and the dense mode region (higher frequencies). I would be very careful about adding a third "diffusion zone" concept for beginners. Also, my listening room isn't very small as far as home hi-fi listening rooms go. The Schroeder frequency is about 100 Hz, which I think is quite low, as it goes. Most people's listening room Schroeder frequencies will be almost an octave higher than this (~200 Hz). I recommend editing your original post to keep either the Schroeder frequency as the center concept, or the concepts you subsequently added via this figure.

When measuring long wavelengths, we want to include all the influence of room furnishings in our measurement because that affects how bass behaves. This includes: sofas, coffee tables, and other large furnishings. When measuring short wavelengths, we want to measure the output from the loudspeakers alone because that determines what we hear. This can be very difficult in a listening room, particularly if it is small. So we may decide to: (a) do the measurement anyway but interpret upper frequencies with caution, (b) choose not to correct the upper frequencies because we know we are not measuring them properly, (c) attempt to get a quasi-anechoic measurement by taking the speakers outside and away from nearby reflective surfaces.

View attachment 400400

If your room is large enough, you can move your speakers and microphone to the middle of the room to measure upper frequencies. You will be able to obtain a meaningful measurement to a lower limit if you window the measurement appropriately. The lower limit is defined by the distance between mic/speaker to the closest reflective surface (e.g. walls, floor, ceiling). See above diagram.

Okay, so this is what originally caught my eye: you are assuming that everyone is using loudspeakers that do not have effective directivity control at midrange and above frequencies. This is a poor assumption in my experience. Here is a polar sonogram of a loudspeaker that I use for my center loudspeaker (which also looks similar to the polars for the other loudspeakers in my setup):

K-402-MEH Horizontal Normalized.jpg

As you can see, the assumption that all loudspeakers lose their directivity control in the midrange region and below--isn't a very good one. In my room, all of the advice that you provided in this section of your write up is incorrect. I recommend either expanding this section rather dramatically to take into account the differences between direct radiating loudspeakers vs. those that can control their polars to a much lower frequency, so remove this section entirely from your write up, since it confuses the beginner and is demonstrably incorrect in many listening rooms. I recommend having a discussion about direct radiating loudspeakers that can't control their polars in-room, so the need is highlighted here to either place the microphone in extreme nearfield (Don Keele's method) or drag the loudspeakers outside to measure them "anechoically" or in ground plane measurements is clear based on the type of loudspeakers used.

By the way, all of the in-room issues with loudspeakers that cannot control their polars to lower midrange frequencies can be assessed by looking at the excess group delay plot. Anywhere in the spectrum where the excess group delay curve is not flat is problematic. This is mostly due to in-room acoustic reflections.

7. Choose the correct SPL for measurement
Measurement sweeps need to be: "not too loud, and not too soft".

"Not too loud": loudspeakers, and to a lesser extent amplifiers, are nonlinear devices. At high volumes they distort, compress, and clip. This WILL affect your measurement, for example high amounts of harmonic distortion will look like a rising frequency response. Loudspeaker compression will look like deviations from the frequency response depending on which driver is compressing.

View attachment 400403

Again, this isn't a factor for the loudspeakers in my listening room (and virtually all the people that I've helped online). I'd recommend that you carefully separate the type of loudspeakers for which this is true: lower efficiency direct radiating loudspeakers having drivers with small diaphragm diameters. If you're going to recommend expensive measurement microphones for measurement (above) then you probably need to assume that little monkeyboxes with 6" diameter woofers isn't what the beginner is actually using. YMMV.

9. Avoid speaker and hearing damage.
Be aware that speaker drivers can overheat and voice coils can melt. Do NOT play loud sine wave tones through your subwoofer for a long time. Do NOT allow your amplifier to clip - this sends high frequency tones to the tweeter and can burn it out. Sometimes, repeated loud measurements can cause drivers to overheat and behave in a nonlinear fashion - i.e. repeated sweeps can cause the frequency response to change!

Wear hearing protection, or exit the room while taking the measurement. You can use REW to delay the start of the measurement to give you enough time to leave.

This is only a concern for little monkeyboxes, as I mentioned above. It's not a concern for any of the loudspeakers in my dialed-in 5.1 array.

10. Special measurement techniques

...You need to know this if you want to correct the upper frequencies with DSP. There are several techniques but I won't discuss them here.
- speaker compression.
- loudspeaker port measurement
- measurements of difficult speakers, e.g. dipoles and omnis.

This is again dependent on loudspeaker type. I recommend either pointing this out or instead deleting this portion of the write up.


2. Choose proper smoothing. Normally 1/6 or 1/12 octave smoothing.

View attachment 400409

The reason for psychoacoustic smoothing (also available in REW) is due to the different critical band spacing of the human hearing system. Because of that, I would instead recommend psychoacoustic smoothing as the default, if smoothing is used at all.

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Bookmarked, thank you!
I have already commented on this. If you really want to help a beginner, keep it as simple as possible and eliminate problems associated with microphone calibration by using a USB microphone (like a UMIK-1).

I'll clarify the intention of this write-up again. This is NOT meant to be an introduction to room acoustics or measurements. That would require a separate and a much longer write-up. This is meant to address what I commonly observe when people post REW graphs and ask for help for interpretation. My biggest concerns with those threads is that (1) we don't know if the measurements were taken properly, (2) too much information is missing, and (3) the graphs are posted improperly.

I am NOT going to get into a debate about USB vs. XLR microphones, or get into a detailed discussion about the Schroder frequency and room acoustics, or loudspeaker directivity, or attempt to summarise Toole into a forum post, or any of those things. The post would become incredibly long, and it needs to be kept short and sweet so that newbies will actually read it.

The point is: here is a list of checkboxes to make sure the measurements were taken properly, tell us what you need, show us the graphs. That's it. I don't disagree with any of your points.
I'll clarify the intention of this write-up again. This is NOT meant to be an introduction to room acoustics or measurements. That would require a separate and a much longer write-up. This is meant to address what I commonly observe when people post REW graphs and ask for help for interpretation. My biggest concerns with those threads is that (1) we don't know if the measurements were taken properly, (2) too much information is missing, and (3) the graphs are posted improperly.

I am NOT going to get into a debate about USB vs. XLR microphones, or get into a detailed discussion about the Schroder frequency and room acoustics, or loudspeaker directivity, or attempt to summarise Toole into a forum post, or any of those things. The post would become incredibly long, and it needs to be kept short and sweet so that newbies will actually read it.

The point is: here is a list of checkboxes to make sure the measurements were taken properly, tell us what you need, show us the graphs. That's it. I don't disagree with any of your points.
There can be a common ground as people asking at ASR usually expect accuracy and in-depth analysis.
There are some extremely long posts about important aspects and no-one complained about them.

On the other hand you might be right to assume that complete newbies can use this forum for asking.
But I see that as a golden opportunity for them to start correctly even if the learning curve is steeper than usual.
I would love to have this opportunity 15 years ago for example,I would have avoided lots of useless stuff.
I am NOT going to get into a debate about USB vs. XLR microphones, or get into a detailed discussion about the Schroder frequency and room acoustics, or loudspeaker directivity, or attempt to summarise Toole into a forum post, or any of those things. The post would become incredibly long, and it needs to be kept short and sweet so that newbies will actually read it.
That's all right, I've already done it for you... ;)

Note my comment about "perhaps this isn't the forum that I'd recommend for a beginner to learn" acoustic measurements--it seems that it has already started here. I find that the most vocal writers in these sort of threads are the ones that provide the least helpful information themselves. Regardless of what is said above, I always applaud those that try to help others by sharing their knowledge and experience, including yours. However, I found those sticking points that I highlighted in this thread that I couldn't "Like" with the text as-is.

As for "how to" tutorials, I have written on this subject over the years, when I was helping to remotely dial in many systems for their owners (DSP crossovers):

https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/178519-rew-for-dummies/ (provided extended comments along the way)

There are more I could cite. I'm also writing a book (unfortunately a "Mona Lisa"-type effort as it turns out since I started it a few years ago, but I still plan to publish it when it completes). I think you'll like it, since the section of the book on this subject is written to complement the REW tutorial, etc. and is written to specifically help those who actually wish to interpret what they've measured and to apply that knowledge to DSP crossovers, etc.

I have been helping new users interpret REW measurements on ASR and I see many of the same mistakes being made all the time. Rather than repeat myself, I thought that a guide might help.

This is NOT a guide to take measurements or how to use REW. The REW manual is a treasure trove of information, and it is extensive. The only problem is that you may not know where to look if you are new to measurements.


1. Before you start ...

These items are essential before you start taking measurements with REW:

- PC/Mac capable of running REW.
- A USB or XLR microphone. If you choose an XLR microphone, you also need an interface with 48V Phantom Power
- Appropriate cabling for your microphone and interface
- A microphone tripod with a boom.
- Read the getting started with REW guide.

2. What microphone to use
Use an omnidirectional condenser type microphone. Microphones are not the same! Some microphones may be optimised for voice, some may have a cardioid pattern and reject reflections, etc. Omnidirectional condenser microphones work by varying the capacitance in the capsule membrane, and thus need to be powered.

There are two types: XLR and USB. XLR microphones require a microphone preamp that supplies voltage, usually 48V. This is known as "Phantom Power". It is built into interfaces. Common XLR microphones used by ASR members include: Behringer ECM8000, Dayton EMM-6, iSemCon EMX-7150, Earthworks M23/M30. USB microphones have the power supply and ADC built into the mic. Common USB microphones used here include: UMIK-1, UMIK-2, Dayton UMM-6.

3. Calibration
View attachment 400395

Microphones are manufactured to a tolerance and may have large variations in frequency response if not calibrated. The above shows the variance in response of a few dozen Behringer ECM8000 microphones - you can see that the variance is highest at both extremes of the frequency range. Make sure the microphone you buy comes with a calibration file. If not, send it to a calibration service. Also note that mics can go out of calibration after use, especially if the mic has been physically abused (subjected to temperature extremes, dropped, jiggled around, etc).

4. Why you need a mic boom tripod
View attachment 400396

Some microphones come with mini tripods (e.g. UMIK-1 and UMIK-2, Anthem ARC microphone, etc). These are good for landfill only. The first thing you should buy is a mic boom stand. This is because microphones need to be positioned away from reflective surfaces to take a meaningful measurement. Even the design of the mic boom can create reflections that will affect your measurement, but we don't usually worry about those because they are low in amplitude and can be ignored unless extreme accuracy is desired.

5. Microphone orientation
Microphones need to be pointed at the speakers, and not up at the ceiling. The reason is because "omnidirectional" microphones are not truly omnidirectional, they have a polar response and will measure a different frequency response if it is pointed in the wrong direction. Read this. The only time microphones can be pointed upwards is if they include a equalisation file for vertical orientation. Otherwise - (as a presidential candidate said) ... DON'T.

6. Moving furniture
Some guides might direct you to move furniture away so there are no reflective surfaces close to the speaker. Some tell you to leave furniture in place. What is going on?

View attachment 400398

The key is to understand that long and short wavelengths behave differently in listening rooms. The strategy to measure them is different, and the interventions we use to fix these problems are also different. The zones are defined by the Schroder frequency. It is very important to understand this concept. (As an aside: If you have high frequency problems, the best approach is to (a) buy better speakers, (b) consider repositioning your speakers, (c) try to fix anomalies with room treatment, (d) apply gentle DSP. In that order! If you have low frequency problems, the approach is to (a) consider adding more subwoofers, (b) DSP. Room treatment has a minimal role because it is less effective and excessively intrusive.)

When measuring long wavelengths, we want to include all the influence of room furnishings in our measurement because that affects how bass behaves. This includes: sofas, coffee tables, and other large furnishings. When measuring short wavelengths, we want to measure the output from the loudspeakers alone because that determines what we hear. This can be very difficult in a listening room, particularly if it is small. So we may decide to: (a) do the measurement anyway but interpret upper frequencies with caution, (b) choose not to correct the upper frequencies because we know we are not measuring them properly, (c) attempt to get a quasi-anechoic measurement by taking the speakers outside and away from nearby reflective surfaces.

View attachment 400400

If your room is large enough, you can move your speakers and microphone to the middle of the room to measure upper frequencies. You will be able to obtain a meaningful measurement to a lower limit if you window the measurement appropriately. The lower limit is defined by the distance between mic/speaker to the closest reflective surface (e.g. walls, floor, ceiling). See above diagram.

7. Choose the correct SPL for measurement
Measurement sweeps need to be: "not too loud, and not too soft".

"Not too loud": loudspeakers, and to a lesser extent amplifiers, are nonlinear devices. At high volumes they distort, compress, and clip. This WILL affect your measurement, for example high amounts of harmonic distortion will look like a rising frequency response. Loudspeaker compression will look like deviations from the frequency response depending on which driver is compressing.

View attachment 400403

"Not too soft": every listening room has a noise floor. Most of the noise in listening rooms is low frequency, so you may not be aware of the presence of a lot of noise because it is less audible and our brain filters it out. It will look like a rising bass response. The above graph shows a full range (20Hz - 20kHz) measurement of a tweeter (I was able to obtain this measurement without damaging the tweeter by choosing a very short pulse). All that bass you see is the room's noise floor, it is not tweeter output!

The goal of a measurement is to obtain a high signal to noise ratio. Noise can be minimised by choosing to do your measurement when ambient noise is low (evenings, weekends). Signal quality can be improved by increasing the amplitude of the impulse (i.e. turn up the volume) or length (time) of the impulse. A 45 second sweep has about 90dB of noise rejection. You could also take multiple short sweeps, reject those that look flawed or noisy, and average them. How to average graphs in REW.

You will notice I did not include "SPL Meter" in the purchase list, despite REW nagging you to calibrate your mic to an SPL meter every time you boot it up. Why? This is because knowledge of your SPL does not guarantee that your speakers will not behave in a nonlinear fashion. The best way to determine if your speaker is behaving strangely is to measure at different volumes (typically 75dB, 85dB, 95dB - but you can increase the volume in REW by 5-10dB each time). Then overlay the graphs and examine it. They should all look the same, but they won't. At some point the frequency response will start to deviate. You want to measure at a volume lower than where the deviation occurs.

SPL meters are good for determining the noise floor when interpreting spectrograms and waterfalls and for compression measurements. They have a number of other uses, but most of us do not need SPL meters.

8. Before and after measurements
You might want to know the effect of DSP, room treatments, different speakers, etc. The key is to repeat the measurement whilst keeping all variables the same, except the one you are testing. This means: don't move your microphone, or at least take steps to make sure you can re-position your microphone in the exact same position when comparing measurements. Some people hang a plumb line from the ceiling so they know where to place the microphone. Don't make multiple changes at once, e.g. one guy I am trying to help is measuring with one mic in five positions using his HT AVR and verifying with another mic using MMM and a different software program. One variable at a time!

9. Avoid speaker and hearing damage.
Be aware that speaker drivers can overheat and voice coils can melt. Do NOT play loud sine wave tones through your subwoofer for a long time. Do NOT allow your amplifier to clip - this sends high frequency tones to the tweeter and can burn it out. Sometimes, repeated loud measurements can cause drivers to overheat and behave in a nonlinear fashion - i.e. repeated sweeps can cause the frequency response to change!

Wear hearing protection, or exit the room while taking the measurement. You can use REW to delay the start of the measurement to give you enough time to leave.

10. Special measurement techniques
Special procedures are required if we want other types of information. For example:
- if we want to know the bass performance of a subwoofer or speaker independent of the room. Speaker designers and reviewers need to know this. Most hobbyists don't. What you need to know is how your sub or speaker is performing in your room.
- the average frequency response over a listening area. You will need to do an MMM or multi-point averaged measurement. I am not going to discuss that here to keep the length shorter.
- quasi-anechoic response of the loudspeaker and directivity measurements. You need to know this if you want to correct the upper frequencies with DSP. There are several techniques but I won't discuss them here.
- speaker compression.
- loudspeaker port measurement
- measurements of difficult speakers, e.g. dipoles and omnis.

For us to help you (and we want to help!) we need:

1. Confidence that you have taken a proper measurement. Read the above and make sure you have not made any mistakes. This is very important. We don't know if the anomalies are real or due to an artefact from improper measurement! In your post, state that you have read this guide, and specifically state that you have used the proper microphone, pointed it at the speakers, used a mic boom tripod, and taken noise precautions.
2. The intention of the measurement and the question you are asking. For example, "my left speaker sounds louder than my right, but the measurements look the same! Why?". A question like "please comment on this graph" is not so helpful.
3. Details of your room: height, width, length (people always forget about the height!). Where is the listening position, where are the speakers. A quick drawing is very helpful.
4. Details on your equipment you are measuring: how many speakers, subs, how many DAC channels, etc. and how you have connected them together.
5. Properly labelled graphs. Edit the name of each graph in REW so that the labels CLEARLY tell us what we are looking at, e.g. "L spkr + L sub" or "L sub - no DSP". You can rename graphs by right clicking on the graph panel on the left.

By far the best way to ask for help is to post the .MDAT file on ASR. To do this, you need to zip the .MDAT and use "Attach files" when posting your thread.

If you do want to post the graphs (and a few graphs are always helpful), please try to follow these guidelines:

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1. Choose a proper zoom. If you are asking a question about bass, zoom in on the bass. REW has a number of options that help you scale the graph for easier viewing:
a) "fit to data" option. (see above)
b) Zoom in to an area of interest. To do this, hold down the CTRL key and right click on the graph to drag a box. Then click on the shaded area to zoom.
c) On the bottom right of your graph, you will see two buttons - "10 .. 200" and "20 .. 20k". One automatically zooms to show the bass, the other to full range.

2. Choose proper smoothing. Normally 1/6 or 1/12 octave smoothing.

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2. If using a screenshot, make sure we can see the vertical / horizontal scales and labels CLEARLY. This is the best way to post a screenshot: click on the camera (top left) then click on copy to clipboard. Then go to ASR and type "Ctrl-V" to paste.

3. Do not post too many curves in one graph. It makes it hard to see.

Lastly, remember that ASR members are human! If you post a thread without sufficient information, too many mistakes in measurements, a poorly asked question, etc. - many ASR members will not bother to help. I can't blame them. I often help because everyone is ignoring the newbie and I feel pity. These guys are effing grumpy. So please, help us to help you.
Congrats for the attempt Keith. I'ts important to encourage people to start using REW and you have done it in a way that wouldn't scare anyone. I would add driver choice and some instructions on selecting correct drivers and settings mainly Java Excl. and ASIO as this puts off more people than anything else initially. 90% of first measurement attempts in REW will fail with no sound because of wrong driver set up ;)
I have been helping new users interpret REW measurements on ASR and I see many of the same mistakes being made all the time. Rather than repeat myself, I thought that a guide might help.

This is NOT a guide to take measurements or how to use REW. The REW manual is a treasure trove of information, and it is extensive. The only problem is that you may not know where to look if you are new to measurements.


1. Before you start ...

These items are essential before you start taking measurements with REW:

- PC/Mac capable of running REW.
- A USB or XLR microphone. If you choose an XLR microphone, you also need an interface with 48V Phantom Power
- Appropriate cabling for your microphone and interface
- A microphone tripod with a boom.
- Read the getting started with REW guide.

2. What microphone to use
Use an omnidirectional condenser type microphone. Microphones are not the same! Some microphones may be optimised for voice, some may have a cardioid pattern and reject reflections, etc. Omnidirectional condenser microphones work by varying the capacitance in the capsule membrane, and thus need to be powered.

There are two types: XLR and USB. XLR microphones require a microphone preamp that supplies voltage, usually 48V. This is known as "Phantom Power". It is built into interfaces. Common XLR microphones used by ASR members include: Behringer ECM8000, Dayton EMM-6, iSemCon EMX-7150, Earthworks M23/M30. USB microphones have the power supply and ADC built into the mic. Common USB microphones used here include: UMIK-1, UMIK-2, Dayton UMM-6.

3. Calibration
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Microphones are manufactured to a tolerance and may have large variations in frequency response if not calibrated. The above shows the variance in response of a few dozen Behringer ECM8000 microphones - you can see that the variance is highest at both extremes of the frequency range. Make sure the microphone you buy comes with a calibration file. If not, send it to a calibration service. Also note that mics can go out of calibration after use, especially if the mic has been physically abused (subjected to temperature extremes, dropped, jiggled around, etc).

4. Why you need a mic boom tripod
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Some microphones come with mini tripods (e.g. UMIK-1 and UMIK-2, Anthem ARC microphone, etc). These are good for landfill only. The first thing you should buy is a mic boom stand. This is because microphones need to be positioned away from reflective surfaces to take a meaningful measurement. Even the design of the mic boom can create reflections that will affect your measurement, but we don't usually worry about those because they are low in amplitude and can be ignored unless extreme accuracy is desired.

5. Microphone orientation
Microphones need to be pointed at the speakers, and not up at the ceiling. The reason is because "omnidirectional" microphones are not truly omnidirectional, they have a polar response and will measure a different frequency response if it is pointed in the wrong direction. Read this. The only time microphones can be pointed upwards is if they include a equalisation file for vertical orientation. Otherwise - (as a presidential candidate said) ... DON'T.

6. Moving furniture
Some guides might direct you to move furniture away so there are no reflective surfaces close to the speaker. Some tell you to leave furniture in place. What is going on?

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The key is to understand that long and short wavelengths behave differently in listening rooms. The strategy to measure them is different, and the interventions we use to fix these problems are also different. The zones are defined by the Schroder frequency. It is very important to understand this concept. (As an aside: If you have high frequency problems, the best approach is to (a) buy better speakers, (b) consider repositioning your speakers, (c) try to fix anomalies with room treatment, (d) apply gentle DSP. In that order! If you have low frequency problems, the approach is to (a) consider adding more subwoofers, (b) DSP. Room treatment has a minimal role because it is less effective and excessively intrusive.)

When measuring long wavelengths, we want to include all the influence of room furnishings in our measurement because that affects how bass behaves. This includes: sofas, coffee tables, and other large furnishings. When measuring short wavelengths, we want to measure the output from the loudspeakers alone because that determines what we hear. This can be very difficult in a listening room, particularly if it is small. So we may decide to: (a) do the measurement anyway but interpret upper frequencies with caution, (b) choose not to correct the upper frequencies because we know we are not measuring them properly, (c) attempt to get a quasi-anechoic measurement by taking the speakers outside and away from nearby reflective surfaces.

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If your room is large enough, you can move your speakers and microphone to the middle of the room to measure upper frequencies. You will be able to obtain a meaningful measurement to a lower limit if you window the measurement appropriately. The lower limit is defined by the distance between mic/speaker to the closest reflective surface (e.g. walls, floor, ceiling). See above diagram.

7. Choose the correct SPL for measurement
Measurement sweeps need to be: "not too loud, and not too soft".

"Not too loud": loudspeakers, and to a lesser extent amplifiers, are nonlinear devices. At high volumes they distort, compress, and clip. This WILL affect your measurement, for example high amounts of harmonic distortion will look like a rising frequency response. Loudspeaker compression will look like deviations from the frequency response depending on which driver is compressing.

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"Not too soft": every listening room has a noise floor. Most of the noise in listening rooms is low frequency, so you may not be aware of the presence of a lot of noise because it is less audible and our brain filters it out. It will look like a rising bass response. The above graph shows a full range (20Hz - 20kHz) measurement of a tweeter (I was able to obtain this measurement without damaging the tweeter by choosing a very short pulse). All that bass you see is the room's noise floor, it is not tweeter output!

The goal of a measurement is to obtain a high signal to noise ratio. Noise can be minimised by choosing to do your measurement when ambient noise is low (evenings, weekends). Signal quality can be improved by increasing the amplitude of the impulse (i.e. turn up the volume) or length (time) of the impulse. A 45 second sweep has about 90dB of noise rejection. You could also take multiple short sweeps, reject those that look flawed or noisy, and average them. How to average graphs in REW.

You will notice I did not include "SPL Meter" in the purchase list, despite REW nagging you to calibrate your mic to an SPL meter every time you boot it up. Why? This is because knowledge of your SPL does not guarantee that your speakers will not behave in a nonlinear fashion. The best way to determine if your speaker is behaving strangely is to measure at different volumes (typically 75dB, 85dB, 95dB - but you can increase the volume in REW by 5-10dB each time). Then overlay the graphs and examine it. They should all look the same, but they won't. At some point the frequency response will start to deviate. You want to measure at a volume lower than where the deviation occurs.

SPL meters are good for determining the noise floor when interpreting spectrograms and waterfalls and for compression measurements. They have a number of other uses, but most of us do not need SPL meters.

8. Before and after measurements
You might want to know the effect of DSP, room treatments, different speakers, etc. The key is to repeat the measurement whilst keeping all variables the same, except the one you are testing. This means: don't move your microphone, or at least take steps to make sure you can re-position your microphone in the exact same position when comparing measurements. Some people hang a plumb line from the ceiling so they know where to place the microphone. Don't make multiple changes at once, e.g. one guy I am trying to help is measuring with one mic in five positions using his HT AVR and verifying with another mic using MMM and a different software program. One variable at a time!

9. Avoid speaker and hearing damage.
Be aware that speaker drivers can overheat and voice coils can melt. Do NOT play loud sine wave tones through your subwoofer for a long time. Do NOT allow your amplifier to clip - this sends high frequency tones to the tweeter and can burn it out. Sometimes, repeated loud measurements can cause drivers to overheat and behave in a nonlinear fashion - i.e. repeated sweeps can cause the frequency response to change!

Wear hearing protection, or exit the room while taking the measurement. You can use REW to delay the start of the measurement to give you enough time to leave.

10. Special measurement techniques
Special procedures are required if we want other types of information. For example:
- if we want to know the bass performance of a subwoofer or speaker independent of the room. Speaker designers and reviewers need to know this. Most hobbyists don't. What you need to know is how your sub or speaker is performing in your room.
- the average frequency response over a listening area. You will need to do an MMM or multi-point averaged measurement. I am not going to discuss that here to keep the length shorter.
- quasi-anechoic response of the loudspeaker and directivity measurements. You need to know this if you want to correct the upper frequencies with DSP. There are several techniques but I won't discuss them here.
- speaker compression.
- loudspeaker port measurement
- measurements of difficult speakers, e.g. dipoles and omnis.

For us to help you (and we want to help!) we need:

1. Confidence that you have taken a proper measurement. Read the above and make sure you have not made any mistakes. This is very important. We don't know if the anomalies are real or due to an artefact from improper measurement! In your post, state that you have read this guide, and specifically state that you have used the proper microphone, pointed it at the speakers, used a mic boom tripod, and taken noise precautions.
2. The intention of the measurement and the question you are asking. For example, "my left speaker sounds louder than my right, but the measurements look the same! Why?". A question like "please comment on this graph" is not so helpful.
3. Details of your room: height, width, length (people always forget about the height!). Where is the listening position, where are the speakers. A quick drawing is very helpful.
4. Details on your equipment you are measuring: how many speakers, subs, how many DAC channels, etc. and how you have connected them together.
5. Properly labelled graphs. Edit the name of each graph in REW so that the labels CLEARLY tell us what we are looking at, e.g. "L spkr + L sub" or "L sub - no DSP". You can rename graphs by right clicking on the graph panel on the left.

By far the best way to ask for help is to post the .MDAT file on ASR. To do this, you need to zip the .MDAT and use "Attach files" when posting your thread.

If you do want to post the graphs (and a few graphs are always helpful), please try to follow these guidelines:

View attachment 400408

1. Choose a proper zoom. If you are asking a question about bass, zoom in on the bass. REW has a number of options that help you scale the graph for easier viewing:
a) "fit to data" option. (see above)
b) Zoom in to an area of interest. To do this, hold down the CTRL key and right click on the graph to drag a box. Then click on the shaded area to zoom.
c) On the bottom right of your graph, you will see two buttons - "10 .. 200" and "20 .. 20k". One automatically zooms to show the bass, the other to full range.

2. Choose proper smoothing. Normally 1/6 or 1/12 octave smoothing.

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2. If using a screenshot, make sure we can see the vertical / horizontal scales and labels CLEARLY. This is the best way to post a screenshot: click on the camera (top left) then click on copy to clipboard. Then go to ASR and type "Ctrl-V" to paste.

3. Do not post too many curves in one graph. It makes it hard to see.

Lastly, remember that ASR members are human! If you post a thread without sufficient information, too many mistakes in measurements, a poorly asked question, etc. - many ASR members will not bother to help. I can't blame them. I often help because everyone is ignoring the newbie and I feel pity. These guys are effing grumpy. So please, help us to help you.
Bookmarked. Thanks for taking the time to write. :)
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