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Extreme Snake Oil

OMG. i've got it all wrong, i thought (yes i know i should have read first!) that these things were the actual speakers from this company, but now i see that you have to put them in between or behind your existing speakers.

But you know, a real hobby knows no pain i guess.
They have won a lot of rewards, so it must be good, right?
They have won a lot of rewards, so it must be good, right?
You win awards.
You reap the rewards.
And just for good measure while we're dealing with a lot of it in this thread.....
You spread the bull$hit.
Gentlemen, we are once again priviliged to be connected with science that is scorching a path into the future! Thanks to our interest in sound reproduction we are able to obtain (at a price) equipment with capabilities beyond the scope of current science. The designers of HiFi enhancement devices have given us a gift that is careening ahead of stodgy, white coated nerds in laboratories. The latest example of this is the Synergistic Research "Atmosphere"!

I will refrain from attempting to write a description or any sort of summary of operation, I will let the genius minds at Synergistic Research explain it to you.

I hope that this explanation is comprehensible to you all even though I don't believe there is a single intellect on this board who would be able fully understand it.

View attachment 317876

One thing I picked out was the employment of ULF RF frequencies. This is astounding, the designer has managed to fit, into a floor standing 1.6M column, what it takes RF engineers a few acres of land to accommodate!
View attachment 317874
Amazingly, we all thought that RF was bad for HiFi but it turns out that it can bring about.....

Not only can you avail yourselves of the ULF broadcasting columns, you can add the "Tuners" to the top to create an even more astounding effect!
View attachment 317875
I hope those here on the forum are humble enough to acknowledge the beyond-cutting-edge technology put before us is something we should be eternally grateful for. I suggest sending personal e-mails to lead designer Ted Denney and let him know you appreciate his insight and genius.
late night audio :)
Gentlemen, we are once again priviliged to be connected with science that is scorching a path into the future! Thanks to our interest in sound reproduction we are able to obtain (at a price) equipment with capabilities beyond the scope of current science. The designers of HiFi enhancement devices have given us a gift that is careening ahead of stodgy, white coated nerds in laboratories. The latest example of this is the Synergistic Research "Atmosphere"!

I will refrain from attempting to write a description or any sort of summary of operation, I will let the genius minds at Synergistic Research explain it to you.

I hope that this explanation is comprehensible to you all even though I don't believe there is a single intellect on this board who would be able fully understand it.

One thing I picked out was the employment of ULF RF frequencies. This is astounding, the designer has managed to fit, into a floor standing 1.6M column, what it takes RF engineers a few acres of land to accommodate!

Amazingly, we all thought that RF was bad for HiFi but it turns out that it can bring about.....

Not only can you avail yourselves of the ULF broadcasting columns, you can add the "Tuners" to the top to create an even more astounding effect!

I hope those here on the forum are humble enough to acknowledge the beyond-cutting-edge technology put before us is something we should be eternally grateful for. I suggest sending personal e-mails to lead designer Ted Denney and let him know you appreciate his insight and genius.

Dear Mr. Denney!

The nights are quieter and thus have less noise to interfere in our listening experience. There. You're welcome.
Yeah -- ol' Steve has a way with words... :facepalm:

I... I have one of his amps. :facepalm:
I was young, OK!? ;) Well, not really "young" per se -- younger, though.

I hope his designs are more uhm, straightforward than his reasoning suggests.
I hope his designs are more uhm, straightforward than his reasoning suggests.
His designs (at least the SE-84B) is almost comically straightforward. He essentially copied an old Zenith SE EL84 console hifi amp, but re-jiggered for triode operation. It's actually not a bad sounding amp, but it's almost laughably low powered. Mind you, that's coming from my perspective vis-a-vis "low powered" ;)

There was a little internet dust-up over his power claims for the SE-84 amp as opposed to... well... reality back in the late 1990s. He advertised it at 5 watts per channel... it's more like a hair over 1 wpc. :facepalm:

EDIT: At the risk of going too deep into the weeds, Deckert defaulted to using the Svetlana "SV-83" tube, triode-wire, as the power output tube for these little amps. His magic power claims stemmed, it appears, from that.
The SV-83 is, in fact, the Russian 6P15P (6П15П), which is kinda-sorta EL84-esque, but not exactly. Indeed EL84s will work in the SE-84 amps -- but with even lower output power at reasonable levels of distortion. ;)

Oh -- Decware still sells a variant of the SE-84. In the mid-1990s, it was a reasonable option (e.g., for a tweeter amp!) at $500. Not so reasonable any more. :p


The rest of his (their) amps just go up in price and out in outrageousness from there. :cool:

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Good grief. Even Klipsch's horns deserve more.
fixed that for you :cool:
The SE-84 ran outta gas playin' little girl with guitar music on my Cornies way back when. :facepalm:
That's when I went SE 2A3 -- more power! :)

I didn't read this whole thread, but searched and didn't find this.

The "original" snake oil cable I found many years ago was the $500 Denon ethernet cable.

They were rightly lambasted at the time. Some of the Amazon reviews are hilarious.

Denon was pounded so much, that I don't believe(?) they ever attempted to do something like that again. Unfortunately other companies don't have a reputation to protect, hence all other 150 pages of this thread.
Atmosphere began when our lead designer Ted Denney contemplated why systems seem to sound better late at night and worse mid-day. As a pioneering designer of the first high-performance power cord, the original AC Master Coupler of 1994, and his later work in 2007 to develop the world’s first patented non-current limiting AC filter found in our PowerCell AC line conditioners, he knew there must be more to the mystery of what we hear late at night vs. mid-day than just the state of AC coming out of the wall. After all, if it were only AC than power conditioning and high-performance power cords would have solved this problem long ago.

Such profundity!
I eagerly await their paper published in a reputable journal on the science behind this Nobel-winning product. It will revolutionize our understanding of physics. Power cords can only get you so far.
For those who like it more tiny: have a look at the "Animator"
Wow! I wish i was as devious as some of these blokes. This is a superb re-casting of a known audio technology ie. tape recording into an audio "enhancement" device. Basically it's supposedly doing the same for the air in your listening room what AC bias does for tape recording! Absolute bloody genius! Why can't I devise these sorts of cross-mutations of audio tech, maybe we should have a thread on that to nominate irrelevant technologies applied to audio that supposedly improves it?!?

Unfortunately the website is 404
Wow! I wish i was as devious as some of these blokes. This is a superb re-casting of a known audio technology ie. tape recording into an audio "enhancement" device. Basically it's supposedly doing the same for the air in your listening room what AC bias does for tape recording! Absolute bloody genius! Why can't I devise these sorts of cross-mutations of audio tech, maybe we should have a thread on that to nominate irrelevant technologies applied to audio that supposedly improves it?!?
View attachment 318011

Unfortunately the website is 404

I would have thought that your speakers playing music would have jiggled the air about quite a bit, failing that why not dance about waving your arms about, that way you get fitter too :0)
and came to the conclusion that man-made and solar RF must play a significant role

And by so doing failed to correctly apply Occam's Razor.

Had they done so, they'd now be selling Audiophile Whiskey at $1000 a pop - at much lower cost to themselves, and as a consumable, resulting in repeat purchases. No need to release an "even better" one every year or so.

Hang on - just arranging an appointment at my local distiller to discuss batch quantities with custom labels. I'm gonna have a range of audiophile single malts: The AudMalt range.

Staring with - Audfiddich at an incredible value $100 per bottle
Through - Audmorangie, perhaps $1000
Right up to - an 80 yo** Audlivet at (an inexpensive for the performance) $40,000 a bottle.

Watch this space :p

PS - this range is already trade marked. Hands off.

** sorry, did you read that as 80 year old. No, no, you misunderstand: yo is our new terminology (young old) for mixing different ages (ranging from 3 up to 20) of the same spirit to optimise the synergistic alpha wave audio properties of the final tipple. 80yo means 80% young, the ratio we've found from extensive research to achieve the peak of audio Nirvana. Tastes like turpentine though*** : you have to suffer for your art.

***err... - did I say that out loud? Just try to forget I ever spoke :D


EDIT : Hang on, I've even developed my advertising slogan:

"The Turpentine Taste That Transmutes To True Tuning Transcendence"
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