Gentlemen, we are once again priviliged to be connected with science that is scorching a path into the future! Thanks to our interest in sound reproduction we are able to obtain (at a price) equipment with capabilities beyond the scope of current science. The designers of HiFi enhancement devices have given us a gift that is careening ahead of stodgy, white coated nerds in laboratories. The latest example of this is the Synergistic Research "Atmosphere"!
I will refrain from attempting to write a description or any sort of summary of operation, I will let the genius minds at Synergistic Research explain it to you.
I hope that this explanation is comprehensible to you all even though I don't believe there is a single intellect on this board who would be able fully understand it.
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One thing I picked out was the employment of ULF RF frequencies. This is astounding, the designer has managed to fit, into a floor standing 1.6M column, what it takes RF engineers a few acres of land to accommodate!
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Amazingly, we all thought that RF was bad for HiFi but it turns out that it can bring about.....
Not only can you avail yourselves of the ULF broadcasting columns, you can add the "Tuners" to the top to create an even more astounding effect!
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I hope those here on the forum are humble enough to acknowledge the beyond-cutting-edge technology put before us is something we should be eternally grateful for. I suggest sending personal e-mails to lead designer Ted Denney and let him know you appreciate his insight and genius.