A few examples of things not implemented and bugs?
hi I've started some bullets earlier. I didn't had the impression that someone was interested. maybe wrong place here anyway? is there a direct eversolo page to report things?
here some from today only, cannot remember what I was writing yesterday
. Playlist (just the album I've started) was gone and pressing skip / next track was not working I was stuck in 2 tracks no idea why. had to reboot
. player on Android (by the way no notification makes things complicated) shows different song then the playing one and is not updating
. In qobuz I cannot press artist or album to find more or read about the artist. no link is working I have to use text search to find another album or the artist... in the player no link is working same with local music
. cannot find artist pictures folder to update manualy. same with album. thought I had it yesterday but cannot find.
. Basically the whole menu looks like a beta some settings are only via cast some not. I cannot do anything with the file browser I have to cast to copy albums. and endless more examples. some settings are just hidden like these settings via cast player libray index and then cogwheel.
. no information about any online tagging and info the device is searching or not (I think it's no doing anything). at least cannot see any difference between local picture prio and not. 30% still missing with perfectly named and tagged music
. yesterday device was complete frozen while paying.
. opening the app brings me a commercial for some sec or whatever that is and I have to skip or wait??
. closing vast view a ugly windows 3.1 pop up in the middle of the scree no thumb area comes up asking me if I'm sure

haha HELLO!!
in general.
usually I don't have time for writing all that and it shouldn't be expected from customers.
that device should make things easier. or roll it out with 30% discount one year for the people who want to participate in forums and beta version updates.
I do not know any other network player and maybe it's the same there. I have some ruark devices with undok software and even that is not perfect for years. but here the software and usability is a key success factor? if you don't need that you buy a dac for 1000 eur I guess
. Album year should be displayed!! have even my folder named with it
. some text is just not readable because it doesn't scroll and is to long. that's confusing if the folder starts all same like ella fitzgerald sings...... and then 15 album