As I watched the video, the thought that I had is that I would have taken a somewhat different fundamental approach (not with the measurements per se). I would start by working out the minimal voltage required by a typical speaker in order to produce sound pressure that humans can hear. I would use this voltage threshold to assess whether the amount of noise picked up in speaker wires will be audible.
At the reference voltage of 2.83 V, SPL for a typical speaker will be about 85 dB. This information is found in most any ordinary plot of sensitivity vs. frequency (i.e., “frequency response”) for most any speaker that anyone has measured in the past half-century or more. It is also available in the spec sheet for any off-the-shelf driver. The 85 dB value is typical, and although there are notable exceptions, the great majority of commercially available speakers are within a few decibels of this value. What this means is that at this reference voltage, 2.83 V rms, the sound pressure from a typical speaker will be +85 dB relative to the threshold of audibility, for a young person with perfectly normal young-person hearing, and at frequency near the peak of our hearing sensitivity. (It means this partly because the standard reference value for sound pressure in decibels, which determines the 0 dB point, was chosen to be 20 uPa, which value had been deemed the threshold of audibility for sound pressure.)
Now we need to figure out the voltage corresponding to 0 dB, given that 2.83 V corresponds to 85 dB. In other words: what voltage is -85 dB relative to 2.83 V? We use this equation: -85 = 20 x LOG(V/2.83). Solving this equation for V, we have V = 2.83 x 10^(-85/20). The answer is 159 uV. Thus, in order for a typical loudspeaker to produce a sound that a young person with perfectly good hearing can hear, the RMS voltage presented to the speaker needs to be around 160 uV at least. You could probably be generous and call it 150 uV, but there isn’t any readily identifiable reason to make it lower than than this.
That’s a good start, but the sensitivity of our hearing is about -35 dB at 60 Hz compared to 1 kHz, in the peak-sensitivity range. This means that the voltage presented to the speaker at 60 Hz needs to be +35 dB relative to the voltage presented at 1 kHz, in order for the 60 Hz hum to be at or above the threshold of audibility. The equation we now want to use is: +35 = 20 x LOG(V/160E-6). Solving for V, we have V = 160E-6 x 10^(35/20). The answer is 9 mV. At 60 Hz, the signal to a typical speaker needs to be at least 9 mV in order for the 60 Hz hum to be loud enough to be heard by a young person with good hearing in ideal, quiet conditions.
Now comes these questions: What voltage did Amir measure? Did he take the measurement in a way that was realistic? The second question is difficult, and I’ll leave it for others to answer. As for the first question, the display on his analyzer indicated -130 db referenced to 4 Vrms. We can calculate the voltage by starting with this: -130 = 20 x LOG(V/4). Solving for V, we get this: V = 4 x 10^(-130/20). The answer is 1.3 uV (microvolt, or 1.3E-6 V). [There is another way to solve this, making use of the fact that each increment of +/- 6.02 dB corresponds to a doubling or halving of voltage. Since -130/6.02 = -21.6, the measured voltage is 4V / (2^21.6) = 1.3 uV.]
It is useful to use decibels to compare the measured value (1.3 uV) to the 9 mV threshold value. This: 20 x LOG(.0013 mV / 9 mV) = 20 x LOG(.00013). The voltage that Amir measured is -77 dB relative to the voltage for which a 60 Hz signal played through a typical speaker will just barely be audible.