Greetings gents. I've stumbled onto the website and this thread. As a fairly early adopter of the HTM-12 ver 1 (Jan 2017), the tests and all your comments are very interesting. I am not a speaker designer or even an engineer, but have just enough training and experience to enhance my listening enjoyment. With much time spent in very fine screening rooms and such in my career, I have a subjective bias for the experience that speakers in large rooms renders. These tended to be dubbing stage in size and quality. For this reason, I find the characterization of this type of speaker as "Power Hi-fi" a good one. My room is large, and throw distance to MLP is about 15'.
Back in the day when I built these, I did a close mic look at the HTM-12v1 well away from boundaries using OmniMic, and found it reasonably smooth...more along the lines of what Matt provided at that time. Based on that, it is likely my HTM-12 components came from the early runs that Matt used. It would be far from a definitive look as provided here, but it was good enough to get some idea about what to expect, and significantly different from other well designed manufactured models I've done the same with.
Based on the availability of the results here, I have a question for the gallery regarding the ongoing discussion here of speaker EQ and room correction EQ. Given that we have test results showing not only axial response, but also sound power, it seems that the HTM-12v1 has similar horizontal on-axis and off-axis performance which would appear to lead to a power response that is similar in shape to axial response (just at a lower level). Would this not indicate that a room correction platform that is based on a mix of axial response and power response will also improve axial response, improving the room and axial response at the same time? Although the discussion here is specifically about the HTM-12v1, is the concept the same for others?
Good to see you here.
I think @mitchco would give the best response to your question.