- Thread Starter
- #201
Nice DI curve...
BTW the spl range in that heatmap is quite wide - you might like to narrow it down a bit, since there's hardly any information below "green" (I'm using smth like 50-90 FWIW).
Did you measure some 2- or 3-slot variant ? IME, the 2-slot sim is nicer than 1-slot - haven't measured any yet.
I have posted heat maps with different scaling and realized it could be misleading and am sticking to the +/-180 that Amir uses. The latest r2 is a single slot.
More generally, would you mind sharing some of the things you learned about correlation, or lack thereof, between sim and measurements?
IOW, what makes sim predictive or not, and what did you find discrepancies, if any, to originate from ?
(Asking for a friend)
The sims were done by @ctrl and the correlation is ok so far. Expect they will get better as I tweak the crossover but also may be my new test rig. Need to review with @ctrl but he has been busy lately. I also think the ultimate comparison will be with the Klippel. My current target is to refine the damping material type and quantity. I also am bit further challenged as I lack a baseline passive resistance design for comparison.