Hello guys,
I have ls50 meta paired with Hegel h190.
my room is open on the right side and the speakers do not sound as good.(I attach a photo)
The bass in certain frequencies is boomy and the treble can be fatiguing. The center image is good but not very precise.
I received advise from GIK acoustics (UK) to place 2 corner tri traps (on back corners) and get 3 diffusers/absorbers for the back wall again.
The price is rather high but i dont know if this will work - have no prior experience with treatment.
looking into this I found Dirac. could i use that rather than go full treatment or would it alter - reduce the quality of the sound? ( I see that eq software is mainly used for home cinema and not for stereo)
Also can i use dirac on my mac using to stream music to the hegel via audirvana?
I dont have a lot of experience in hifi and your advice would be really helpful
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