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Digital volume control vs analog volume control

First, don't buy the Bluesound Node, a Wiim streamer (any model) does the same and is a lot cheaper with better dac's.

And digital volume control is often less affecting the sound quality than analog volume control. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but when done right, both will be almost transparent in reality.

You can also buy aan Ncore amp with the (exellent) dac inside, so you can use any digital device on it like the Audiophonics SAW-S250NC. It's an Ncore 252 amp and an ESS based dac in one device. You can connect your phone or computer to it as streamer, or use something like the Wiim Mini with digital (toslink) out to the amp. Both toghetter is 1k€ in their shop.

Nad makes also models that intergrate the Bleusound software with Hypex amps, but they are expensive. It's a one box solution, tested and from a big company with support. But it has a hefty price. The M33 and the M10V3 are models like that that may suit you and both use NC (Hypex Ncore) amp designs, but build by NAD (under licence). That would be the only way i would use the BlueOS, because there the dac is also a lot better than the Node. But a Wiim streamer and a Ncore amp like those from Audiophoncs (next to a lot of other builders) does the same for cheaper. It's just a bit more complex to set up and use.
The problem with many integrateds is that they do not allow you to insert something like the miniDSP 2x4HD between the pre and power stages to equalize subwoofers with e.g. Multi Sub Optimizer.
The problem with many integrateds is that they do not allow you to insert something like the miniDSP 2x4HD between the pre and power stages to equalize subwoofers with e.g. Multi Sub Optimizer.
With the NAD M33 that is not needed as they have Dirac and sub filters already build into, and in a higher resolution than that (old) MiniDSP 2x4 HD. For most that is enough. But if you need more flexibility, there are tons of options out there. But the OP wanted a simple setup...
Nothing wrong with 3-5 times as much as your current speakers max rating. Just use the volume knob appropriately. If you have unsupervised children with access to your gear, some gear can have a max volume set or you can just set it up so the kids don't have access to use.
One drawback: 5x is +14 dB. Amps typically work at full amplification, so you're going to get that much extra boost to whatever noise floor you can't turn down going in. Exactly what that is dependent on what it's connected to. I'm not saying this is paramount, assuming the pre-electronics is top gear, but it can be a consideration to factor in. Johnson-Nyquist (~-130 dBu) being the absolute floor, the actual noise and whether it terminates in a passive pad or electronics whatever noise level—and whether the sum of all that matters compared to the amp's own noise floor versus a lower powered alternative.

Whatever listening level you use, you'll have 14 dB less signal for your SNR, to offset the amp's boost.

Again, not saying this is necessarily a critical issue, but in a world where people scrutinize whether one DAC's SINAD is a dB better than another... ;)
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