What on earth was all that stuff about converters and splitters on the AliExpress links? While I fully understand what they all are for, none of those products are to do with OTG and using a USB-based DAC with a phone.... Has this thread mutated into a different discussion?
To summarize:
- AFAIK, all recent phones support OTG.
- Using a USB hub is not possible if you want to run a USB DAC off a phone
- A USB hub is totally USB only, in terms of any inputs or outputs - the term 'Hub' has nothing to do with DACs
- If you connect a phone directly to a USB DAC, using a cable with simple USB connector on each end, of the right flavours, it will power the DAC, and the DAC should work, but you may have to go into the phone's settings to enable the necessary OTG functionality.
- If you connect a USB DAC to a USB hub to any of the hub's peripheral ports (not the host port) by any possible cable, the DAC probably power up, but it won't work.