After escalating the issue to Denon's management, I got their technical team to respond. The noise is caused by the surrounding plates near the main transformer. When the transformer is energized, the strong magnetic field is formed due to an inrush current surge which pulls the plate causing it to vibrate shortly.
The phenomenon is harmless and should have no long term impact according to Denon support.
The problem is rare and only affects a subset of devices manufactured in 2022. Their suggestion is to either get the unit serviced by enforcing the plates and adding some foamy insulation which can be done at the local service lab, or, work with the store to have it replaced since the problem was discovered out of the box.
I'm now waiting for the store owner to decide (no return policy here. neither no replacement once the product was taken out of the store). The local service center are also involved and trying to find a solution.
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