Sound United is for sale, not going out of business! My far less famous 1st job went through at least 2 acquisitions while I was there and "shutting down" the business was never discussed. It's "business as usual" at these places until the new owner takes control after which they can:So on the subject topic, was just getting ready to buy an extensive whole home system based heavily on denon, marantz, Polk and definitive tech kit. Not sure anyone can predict what’s going to happen with the brands. So Feeling the dilemma of buy it with the risk of obsolescence and no warranty vs wait and potentially have no choice but to go super expensive or dumb down to Sonos/soundbars heaven forbid!
- Let the business groups operate as they've been doing.
- Cut corners and start laying off staff.
- Inject capital hoping for better market share
If Masimo chooses to shut down Sound United, then it gets nothing in return for its investment!