I've been thinking recently of getting rid of my Denon (1700H) and getting a MiniDSP Flex HT.
The intent would be to use the Hypex amps I have lying around, and to get better sub integration, as the
1700H only has one sub channel (even if it has two "sub out" connectors).
Thing is, I don't have an eARC TV, so I'd have to add something like HDFury or FeinTech.
And pay extra for the Dirac license once I inevitably tire of futzing around with PEQ and bass management on my own.
And that still leaves some analog inputs I'd like to be able to connect ... maybe ADC and then optical into the MiniDSP.
All this appeals to me in the same way installing Linux from scratch and recompiling the kernel appealed to me decades ago.
I'm realizing that once all is said and done, my best bet might be ... a Denon 3800. :shrug: