I´m surprised a complete layman like me does get Amir´s (or any other objective approach) point but alleged "enthusiasts" refuse to read a bit further on the reasons Amir have publicly stated several times. Their coments are a complete non-sequitur in logical terms. Let´s see:
-AVR´s can be better engineered. Not because I, or Amir tells so; but because Denon itself produced better avr´s in the previous generations.
-Throwing money at the problem is a stupid argument: this AVR costs more than the previous generation for a worse-engineered product.
-You cannot listen to it. Perhaps you or I cannot, but you don´t know in all situations, all rooms, all speakers, all listeners. Engineering is about guaranteed operation and it can be done again because it was done in the past. With that logic, why moving away from steam locomotives, they move too, right?
-When did Amir say "do not buy"? He stated that he wouldn´t recommend it. That is his opinion based on the obtained data. In your opinion with the same data, it might be the right product for you.
-Providing data about this product is an act of irresponsability. How so?