Gotta love that level of creative writing one way or the otherAnd this got a 5 star review on What HiFi
They quote:
"Streaming SBTRKT’s Trials Of The Past, the AVC-X3800H delivers a surprisingly nuanced musical performance with an assured attack at the start of each synth note and the envelope of each reverb tail given space to breathe. The hefty bass is solidly controlled, while at the top end of the spectrum, the shakers are nicely defined and spread wide"
As I noted, I ran the measurements by Denon so no bad cap this time.
??? I already showed SINAD up to 2 volts:Is it possible to see the same graph how the SINAD degrades after ~1.4 volts as for the 3700 model?
I hope 1700h measures better
It will probably be the same as this one.Who knows if X3700H that you can get these days actually perform better? The revised version haven't been measured, to my knowledge.