Just generally advantageous to have a more capable power supply but pretty sure your figures aren't max in any case. What spec are you citing?I did a little bit of research and found out that the entry level Denon AVRs have a 400 w power supply while the Yamaha A2A has 360 w power supply. I wonder 40 watts would make that big of a difference.
The Audyssey editor app is a nice way to be able to save configurations if you have to do a full reset. Source level is to match different levels among the various inputs, personally I find it useful for vinyl/phono input to have a bit of boost to bring it closer to digital standards.I'm still trying to figure out a way to save the settings before I do a factory reset. I'm going to try that as a last resort to see if that helps with the speaker issue.
Also, what is the purpose of source level?
Please see attached picture
ps Some Denons you can save setups via the ip access options too
pps yeah okay maybe lower end power supplies might max out at those levels, sad if so, tho....
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