What would be at least as useful if not more so would be the testimony of an actual 'name' audio engineer who did or does mixing and/or mastering of major label recordings of the era in question, verifying these speculations about industry-wide production practices that seem to have heretofore been kept secret.
II am VERY VERY curious what is happening also. I don't think that it is in 'mastering' because I have had some minor discussions, hinting around, with such people who might be doing remasters. My guess is that the damage happens between mastering and somewhere towards distribution. It IS real -- if I would try to run my process on material that wasn't so encoded, the result would be
attrocious rather than sometimes imperfect.
So 1) Existence proof 2) where is it coming from?
I would see success as 1) the industry quits cr*pping on the recorings or 2) the process that I have truly, tediously reverse engineered *without prejudice, and with lots of mistakes* would be more available. I plan to make both the technology that decodes DolbyA material and the FA decoding available gratis, with simple attribution. It isn't 100% ready yet because of some cr*p code that I would be embarassed for people to see (the raw .wav file I/O code, the band splitting code and the .wav file parsers -- desperate hackerware.) The actual DA decoding is as clean as it can be.
The raw DolbyA deccoding is much better than even two months ago. Even though it previously worked reasonbly well, much better than any plugin, there were problems with the HF0/HF1 split, because of the overlapped HF0/HF1 bands being tricky to emulate in feed forward. The errors weren't in the architecture as much as precise calculations for the split. It has gotten to the point where I cannot tell the difference without an immediate A/B and listening for the differences in clarity on the DHNRDS/DA vs true DolbyA.
Also, the testing with FA (the consumer stuff) has forced much better matching of the parameters for the DolbyA attack/release curve. The vast amount of CONSUMER test material has markedly forced an improvement in the DA side of things. (I am sending a new release with the improvements forced by FA and verified by true DolbyA master tapes in a few days -- Wednesday at the latest.)
The FA decoding is a different story, since it is derived from multiple passes of DA. The testing with multiple passes on the consumer material has forced a great increase in DA precision. This iterative improvement is another indicator of the FA encoding being ubiquitious.
The result of the test iterations on FA has converged to DolbyA behavior precisely.
In recent months, the problem with FA decoding hasn't been with architecture (again), but with usage. I started with some prejudices from day one that were disproven.
That is I am not pre-ordaining a solution, but definitely hear (and detect by test) similar processing on almost every consumer recording.
Here are my mistaken prejudices:
1) the 'compression' was leaking of EQed DolbyA: WRONG.
explanation: the encoding is ch1: Mid ch2: Side and not the normal L/R.
2) there is only one layer of modified DolbyA compression: WRONG
explanation: even though removing one layer helps, I kept getting complaints about left over compression.
3) there was no EQ before the compression process: WRONG
explanation: recordings from some sources have had significant EQ, esp sometimes depressing the 4.5k to 9k region
4) the steps between each DA compatible decoding were 2nd order: WRONG
explanation: each step required compensatory EQ between each step because of response biases in DolbyA
my initial experiments assumed 2nd order EQ, and even though came close, never sounded perfect.
It appears that the 1k to 3k EQ, the 3k on up EQ are all 1st order (1k to 3k is multiple 1st order)
ALL of the above prejudices had to be reversed -- my mind is open to facts, including the possibility that the encoding does NOT exist.
Once I had determined that there were multiple layers of encoding with DolbyA cards, I tried the following:
1) Multiple steps at the same calibration: WRONG -- caused over expansion
2) Start with the highest calibratoin (given normal DA tape is about -13dB: -14.5, -16, -19, -20 (or 10 dB less)) first :Wrong
doing a calibration sequence like -14.5, -24.5, -34.5, etc sounded very wrong.
3) Start with the lowest calibration first: -44.5, -34.5, -24.5 (sometimes stopping there), -14.5 :sounds best.
4) Try steps other than 10dB: 10dB is correct after lots of testing.
Before each decoding step, a compensatory EQ is needed -- anyone who knows DolbyA is that it creates frequency response biases, the EQ undoes those. I forget the exact numbers, need to refer to the code for more information. It is all 1st order, a dip between 1k and 3k is needed, with a boost/dip at 3k or 3.18k (depending), the tail-off for the EQ is either 9k, 10.5k, 18k, 22k or inf.
The diagram is approx this: (the calibration numbers are examples only -- usually a standard set if material not normalized)
CD -> EQ -> decode at -44.5dB -> EQ -> decode at -34.5dB -> EQ -> decode at -24.5dB (sometimes stops here) -> EQ -> at -14.5dB -> final EQ
The EQs in-between are usually same for each sttep. The final step uses a different scheme.
Some recordings have a 2nd pass, which starts at 10dB lower than the previous pass, and only goes for two steps max. Some even have 3 passes.
Except for still trying to get 'Brothers In Arms' to sound right, ABBA recordings have been very difficult, because their sound is not natural, but are EXCELLENT test material because they are so difficult.
Below are my best results so far on the soon-to-be-released FA decoder (using the latest DA technology) on an ABBA piece. Almost all consumer recordings see this kind of improvement.
1) DECODED has much much less hiss than rawCD.
2) DECODED is less grainy sounding than rawCD.
3) DECODED has more natural ambience decay than rawCD.
* if the material hasn't been 'encoded', then I have created the best possible expander, single ended NR that has ever existed (but that isn't true.)
The big problem that I can tell so far -- I suck at final EQ (and also choosing correct EQ choice.) God (respectfully) didn't intend for me to be able to mix or master recordings -- but I do program and research very well (if not slowly!!!)
All of the normal, Polar ABBA albums can be COMPLETELY decoded with the following command --
most often, you can get buy with the first '--fcs' to clean up most of the FA sound. This results from
7 passes through the DA decoding process --
if it wasn't compressed, it would be UNLISTENABLE -- anyone who knows DolbyA knows this!!! I do complete decodes for testing, and the ABBA recordings were just sitting around today:
export AGD=" --fcs="3,-40,fcf=classical" --fcs="2,-60,fcf=classical" --fcs="2,-70,fcf=classical" --wia=1.414 --woa=0.8409 "
This is one, typical (NOT EXTREME/CHERRY PICKED) example:
(dont use direct dropbox player for accurate playout.)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vfzm9w27mycrajd/07 - Two For The Price Of One-rawCD.flac?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4xb5wazbmokkxo/07 - Two For The Price Of One-DECODED.flac?dl=0
Currently working HARD on the next release!!!