A University degree is something we did a long time ago. Even if you got an MSEE or any MSc type degree only 5 years ago, for the most part it is already obsolete. Engineering moves very fast these days, and what we prove in University is merely our ability to learn.
I am not saying you don't need fundamentals. But I never once used my ability to crack Fourier and Laplace functions in my professional life to be honest. Nor does what I did in my engineering career give me any more authority/knowledge than the average, well-informed, constantly learning ASR regulars. I have known people with advanced degrees from very prestigious universities I'd never work with again. The biggest sin in engineering is to *think* you know everything there is to know about any specialty. The learning never stops, and what you knew yesterday may well be meaningless tomorrow. For example, Steve Ballmer was a brilliant student in academia by all accounts (never met him), but he famously laughed off the Apple iPhone as a stupid product.
I think it is horribly bad form to claim you have a degree you didn't earn (and unless you don't own the company you work in, you'll get fired on the spot for providing false credentials in tech), but I have worked with plenty of people that don't have a university degree and yet are a force in the tech industry I work in.
In any case, I don't think any of that is relevant to the topic - the statement in the original message in this topic is self-condemning to any independent thinker. Zero debate IMO.